Chap. 1 - Meet and Greet Pt. 2

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Arny's Pov.

Ugh, must the girls be like this every time we walk by?

Hello, my name is Arny and I am a senior at Berkeley music and art university. Many of you know me as birlap on Tik Tok and that I can be pretty stiff and quiet around large crowds. Though I have been in the same college for almost four years I don't get along well with anyone else but Danny, Brandon, Libby, and a few others that I'll get to later. My first period class was dance and I was doing my very best to get there before the bell rung, but the girls trying to get my attention weren't making that very easy.

"Omg Arny, your hair looks so fluffy today, can I run my hands through it?"

"Hey daddy, wanna meet me by the janitors locker later~? I can show you how naughty I am, unlike other women~."

"Hey Arny, are you and Danny dating? I tots ship it!!"

Ugh, so annoying..., I thought, rolling my eyes.

"Do not touch my hair, go fuck yourself, and no we are just friends, nor do I care if you ship us or not. Now please move out of my way before I'm late to class, alright?!," I said with impatience. As soon as me and a few class mates of mine made it to the class, I took a deep sigh of relief.

"You good man? It's only day one and you look so out of it," Brandon said, concerned.

"I'm fine, don't worry. You'd think they would take the hint that none of us are interested in just getting together with someone," I said, aggrivated.

"That just goes to show that they care more about what's in our pants than what's in our hearts," Danny bluntly said.

"Ugh, let's just go inside," I said.

As soon as we walked in, many eyes recognized our presents, some immediately squealing right away.

Ugh, just gimme a break!!, I groaned, feeling a migrane coming along.

However, my mood immediately changed as soon as I landed my eyes on someone I've yet to meet before sitting right beside Libby. She had (Your hair length and color), (Your eye  and skin color), who is possibly about (your height). She wore (Your wardrobe choice in previous chapter) and I couldn't help but admire such a taste in fashion.

At that moment, we suddenly made eye contact before her head swiftly moved out of my sights reach. For some reason my heart pounded as a small smirk crept across my face.

Holy shit, she's actually pretty cute. Should I walk over and ask for her number?

As if reading my mind, somebody's hand shoved my back in the direction of the cute girl. Turning around, I notice that it was Danny who shoved me, while Brandon pinched the tip of his nose and shook his head from left to right.

"I see you eyeing her, Mr. needy. You seriously need to get a girlfriend already, so shoot your shot with that one if you're so interested!," Danny said, giving me a thumbs up.

Wasn't he just the one that said people who ask someone out as soon as they met want to get in their pants more than want to get to know the person for what's in their heart?, I thought, feeling a "bruh" moment.

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