Chapter 30

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" Why'd you sleep with that crazy selfish little girl?!".

Quil V hated his life just about now .

That all because Sam came to him and he was interrogated by his grandfather and the other elders the moment they came back from speaking to the Cullens.

Bella Swan had screwed him over by revealing the secret of them sleeping together all because she was obsessed with the Cullens .

She'd promised him not to tell and here he was being yelled at by Sam for it .

He'd trusted her. He can't believe he did .

" I don't know okay ?! . I liked her . I mean ,I was flattered that she even looked my way . "

Sam paced the floor of Emily's house's kitchen ,his hands holding the back of his head . He was angry . No beyond that .

" Did you use protection?", he asked slowly , trying to stay calm .

Quil's shoulders sagged in defeat . He couldn't just lie . Sam and everyone would find out when he phased .

" No. I didn't think she would get pregnant ".

Paul looked at him as if he'd grown a second head ." Dude, Your Mama must've dropped you on your head when you was a baby ", he retorted .

Quil shot him a glare . " Don't bring my Mama into this !", he snapped .

Paul rolled his eyes at that .
He didn't give a damn what this boy said.

Sam shot them both a look that clearly told them to shut up .

" Listen , Quil . You'll go to Doctor Cullen . You'll do the DNA test . You'll come back and wait . If it turns out that the kid is yours . You will do right by Bella and you will help raise him or her whatever the gender . Do I make myself clear ?".

Quil swallowed and nodded . He understood clearly.

His life was over .
" Bella, what in the world were you thinking ?," Charlie Swan asked his daughter that had finally calmed down after her kicking and screaming stunt from earlier .

He was furious and at the same time mortified by her actions. 

She assaulted a man . She almost violated him in a way that could've gotten her in serious trouble .

Good thing the man had common sense and jumped away before she could go that far .

And the way she screamed because the man didn't want her .

He should've known that his daughter are unstable . Her actions when Edward Cullen left her the previous year proved it .

He also felt disgusted because there aren't just one Quil in La Push .

He couldn't imagine old man Quil sleeping with an almost nineteen year old , but he had to face facts and figure out which Quil did it.

It wouldn't make him feel better , but at least it'll give him the truth .

" I only wanted Boris , Dad," she tried to reason ," He kissed me once and I ... I'm in love with him . Not from the kiss , but when I saw him for the first time . My ...My heart just knew that he is the the one I want . He's mine , Dad . If I can't have him , then I don't want to live. Please , can't you just ... arrest him and ....force him to marry me ?."

A red light flared up in Charlie's mind at that .

His daughter was seriously off her rocker .

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