Chapter 10

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" I think your body is rejecting the deer blood we've brought you ," Carlisle said ,his eyes full of worry as he checked Boris's tests results ," I think until you feel better again , I'm going to have to find other sources for you . I know it isn't ideal , but I'm going to give you blood bags from now on ."

Boris's eyes widened at that . If his heart was still beating it would've run right out of his chest in shock and fear . He hadn't had human blood in his entire immortal life before . He'd had blood from animals like real African lions and tigers from Asia .He wouldn't dream of having the blood of a human . Ever.

" Edward's going to keep her from c_"

" Edward's choices ,Boris , doesn't concern us . I know how you feel about her ,but it's best if you try and forget it . Come , I'll give you a blood bag and you go get some rest . Once you're completely better, we'll    re-evaluate this and see what animal blood is good for you ".

Boris sighed and nodded . He would do anything to get better . He just hoped that he won't go mad when he tasted human blood for the first time since turning . He didn't want to go slaughter a whole human town just because he is untrained and uncontrollable when it comes to human blood.
" You're over thinking it ," Jasper said as he watched Boris sip on a blood bag.

He ,strangely enough , didn't crave it .

Boris grunted in response .He utterly hated the taste . It made him want to puke , but it also made him feel a little better . Carlisle said that he was on the mend . He was probably going to have to drink the blood until he was completely well.

" Your eyes aren't red . I wonder why ," Emmet spoke up from the couch where he sat watching TV," It's freaky, Man. They're completely black."

Boris pulled the blood bag from his lips ." It's my human eye colour," he said ,"  I was born with them . I hope I'm not becoming a human again . I don't want to . Oh Goodness , not that !".

" Emmet , did you really have to make him panic  ?", Jasper scolded as he sent waves  of calm over their friend and coven mate.

" I didn't know he was going to react like that , Jasper . I thought he's fearless!", Emmet shot back before getting up and storming off .

Jasper's calming waves settled Boris down , causing him to look like he was going to take a nap because his eyes are drooping.

No such luck , though , because the next thing he and  Jasper know is the door to the garage banging open from where it lead into the house in a hallway not far from the kitchen .

" Oh Goodness me , the terrorist returns ," Boris grumbled ," Do me a favor and keep him away from me . Or I'll be kicking his behind in no time . I'm out of here ."

He got up from the couch and walked away , sipping on his blood bag .
He ignored Edward , the terrorist, when he passed him in the hallway .
He sat up gasping for air .

He had a nightmare again . He hadn't had nightmares since Canada .

He stood up to go wash his face to get rid of the after feeling of the dream .

Turning the tap open he let his hands fill with water before bringing it to his face to let the slight coolness sooth him .

He caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror above the sink .

His eyes were slowly turning red now . It was weird . He preferred the human colour of black to this diluted orange colour that he sported .

He hated it and Carlisle didn't want him to touch a drop of animal blood again for a time.

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