3. Hectic Homeroom

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I thought I was going to throw up, pass out... or both.

Every. Single. Student....

All 15 people in the class are the students I was with in the Killing School Semester. Everyone is alive, intact, and sitting right in front of me. Doing my best to keep a poker face, I walk over to the teacher, who obviously sees my distress as she is enthusiastically waving for me to come to her side so she can introduce me to the class.

"Alright class! I know we've had the same set of folks since day 1 of freshman year, but today marks day one of a new student's journey here! Welcome, Shuichi Saihara!!!!" The homeroom teacher, Chisa Yukizome, is a very friendly lady in a blue dress (with a maid apron?) and is quite popular around here. I'd seen her in photos featured in articles regarding the opening of UTDA. She was one of the founders of the school, but loved teaching more than being in administration. The class of '77 from Hope's Peak were taught by her, and became some of the most successful people in their fields. If you were put in her class, you were one lucky duck.

"He has entered the school following his dreams of becoming the city's greatest up and coming detective! Please make sure you are always treating Shuichi with utmost respect and kindness- that means you too Ouma." I hear a small guy with black hair and purple highlights start snickering uncontrollably, looking like he's about to fall out of his chair. I know this annoying little twerp as no other than Kokichi Ouma..... he was the bane of everyone's existence in the killing game.... It's fairly obvious he's the same here, in this classroom, too. The girl sitting behind him, a taller slender girl with short, dirty blonde hair, wearing more proper attire than the rest... the girl I'd known as Kirumi Tojo. Seeming absolutely fed up, she whips out a wooden spoon for cooking and smacks him with it.

"Ow! Hey!!" He yelps loudly.

"Don't be rude," she snaps back, quickly following with a disapproving look and a shooshing gesture. Seeing the unfazed look on Miss Yukizome's face, it seems to me like this happens often.

I scan the classroom quickly, and freeze. Kaede sits in the direct middle of the classroom, looking at me and Miss Yukizome enthusiastically, as if she was ready to jump out of her seat and introduce herself to me at any moment. Behind her, Maki Harukawa and Kaito Momota, my two best friends from the killing game, are sitting beside each other, seemingly unfazed also (aside from Maki's glare shooting holes in the back of Ouma's head)

I'm glad to see nothing has changed.

"Alright, Kaede! It's your turn, as the class representative, to show Shuichi around the school, introduce him to classmates, and make him feel as welcome as possible! Can you handle it?" Miss Yukizome gestures for Kaede to come up to the front of the class, just feet from where I'm standing.

I think I'm going to be sick....

"Miss Yukizome, can I please excuse myself and use the restroom? I don't feel well." I feel a knot in my stomach growing.

"First day of school jitters gettin' the best of ya? Lemme show you to the bathroom." Kaede looks concerned but still keeps a warm happy expression. Before either of us can say anything, I make a run for it out of the classroom and to the boys bathroom.

She probably thinks I'm nuts, along with the rest of the class.

I get to the restroom, locking myself in the big stall and sliding down the wall until I'm sitting on the floor with my knees pressed against my chest.

Really Saihara?

I need to get it together!

I can't shake the memories of last night's dream... and I can't understand how I met my entire homeroom class... in my dream... before coming to school... and meeting my entire homeroom class!!

What the hell was going on??

As a kid I always watched the show The Twilight Zone, and now, I was starting to feel like I was the star of my very own episode.

How is this possible? Am I going insane? Am I still asleep?

I spend a good 5 minutes asking myself a slew of questions, until i hear a knock on the stall door

"Hey man, you okay? Yukizome had me come check on you, plus Kaede's thinkin' she scared you away!" The voice sounds familiar.

Kaito? The voice on the other side of the door continues as I continue sitting against the wall, memories flooding through me.

"Listen, I know the first day at a new school can be scary, but I promise nobody in the class bites! Well, except for my girl, but that's a different story," Kaito says, chuckling to himself. "If you open up, I can properly introduce myself bro to bro, and give you a quick rundown of the class before I pass you off to Kaede..... but if I take over her role of showing you around entirely, she might have my head."

I stand up and shake myself off before opening the door. Standing in front of me is a tall, muscular guy with brown spiky hair and a cheesy-looking grin on his face.

Yep, definitely Kaito.

"Name's Kaito Momota, but some call me the Luminary of the Stars! I'm here studying to become an astronaut. Hopefully, 2 years from now I'll be living the dream, dancin' on the moon and eating all the dried food a person could ever want!" He holds his hand out for a shake. When I oblige, he shakes my hand enthusiastically with a steely grip. I then walk to the sink and splash my face with cold water.

"So, Shuichi right? What's got you so nervous? The day in general? That pretty blonde girl? Her name is Kaede, and she's siiiiingle," he says, nudging my arm with his elbow.

"Anxiety, I guess." I ignore the second half of his statement, still processing the fact that Kaede's real, let alone the facts that she's both single and available.

I can't let a soul know about my dream, or that I already know every single one of my classmates' names, talents, and personalities (all assuming they were the same as my dream, that is).

If anyone found out about my dream, I'd have a one way ticket to the looneybin express with my name written all over it.

Walking out of the bathroom, I see a small and angry looking girl, with long black hair in pigtails that trail down her back.


"Name's Maki. I see superman came to your rescue... he tends to do that alot." Maki rolls her eyes at Kaito, who puts his arm around her shoulder.

"Aw come on now Makiroll, you can't be just a little more enthusiastic towards our new friend here?" He chimes, causing another eyeroll from Maki. "This is my girlfriend. She seems like a little demon, but she's as sweet as can be once you get to know her, right Makiroll?" He smiles enthusiastically as he gives her cheek a little pinch

"Do you want to die? I've already told you not to call me that around others..... the day Ouma hears it you are really a deadman." She murders him with her eyes.

Kaito's expression turns sour for a fraction of a second. "I think what you meant to say was Ouma or any other man calling you Makiroll would be a deadman. MY Makiroll... that goes for you too Saihara, but I trust I have nothing to worry about." I quickly look at Kaito, who gives me a wink, then Maki, who covers her face, which has turned a bright pink.

In the killing game, the two took quite a liking to each other, but neither one had the heart to confess to the other..... and it was truly painful to watch at times. It was a slight relief that they figured out their feelings in this life, because I couldn't watch the confusion for a second time.

As we leave the restroom doorway, heading back to the classroom, I hold back the urge to run straight back to the restroom.

Art by @kawoshinh on twitter!!!

(Ahhhhh!!! Thank you guys so much for reading, and staying with me this far!! I know this was a longer one, but regardless I hope you are enjoying the beginning of a beautiful story, and stick around for more!!!! -Luna💕)

*Republished* A Life Without DespairWhere stories live. Discover now