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There was once a time of prosperity and light, when all the lands were at peace, and co-insided together in harmony. The Earth was ripe with harvest, and kept all lives full. The people and creatures of the land lived without fear or strife. With little to complain about -besides the occasional rabbit infestation- everyone went about their lives filled with joy and hope. 

Everyone had their own kingdoms, or territories; and respected that of others. The people traded fairly and honestly with each other and maintained remotely separate for the most part. There was the great Elven Empire. The Elves lived a tranquil life. They based their morals off fact, and placed nothing above the law. Some Elves were born with rare abilities connecting them further with nature, nothing extremely powerful for the most part, but very seldom was one born with the ability to control a selected element. Though usually the talent remained dormant in the Elf, and they ended up going their whole lives without ever knowing the great power they held within their bodies. 

Unless born with it naturally, there was no other way to gain such power, unless you practiced Black Magic; punishable by exile; those who committed the crime were known as shades, and lived in remote places of the earth. Shades who tried to return to the land were either killed, or thrown into prison.

There were the High Elves, who mostly involved themselves with the empire. They were councilmen and law-makers. Many were high ranking officials, and kept their business within the walls of by far the largest Elven territory of Sherrinsdorgue. There were also the Woodlen Elves; descendant from the Great Hellabore Forrest. The Woodlen elves lived a very agricultural lifestyle, whose crops used to be responsible for the prosperity of lives all around the world. Then there were the Dark Elves. Most discriminated by others, they migrated from the High Misty Mountains of Pantera. With them they brought much knowledge of healing, and herbology passed down from generations ago. 

Along both the east, and west coast were the Dwarven tribes; very stubborn and musically inclined, the Dwarves stuck to themselves and remained a hardy, hardworking people. Standing no taller than four feet six inches, the Dwarves are known for their mead, music, and weapon industries. Though they kept their residence to themselves, the Dwarves were a very prideful people, and never turned down a fight. 

Then spread out through many different colonies, lived the humans. Now the humans were always an interesting species to all the others, because of their emotional connections to their mates. The fact that one would take the place in death for those they loved always sparked curiosity; to the Elves especially. Much like the Dwarves, the human race was stubborn, and prideful. Besides the human women tending to be very addicting to that of other races, they had no real unnatural abilities. 

Yet, it is told that once, there was a human girl; a very beautiful girl, who fell in love with a Malakein named Caius. The Malakein looked much like the Elves; exempt for their legendary twelve to fifteen foot wingspan who's feathers are foretold to have shone like the sun, and came in many different colors and shapes.

Malakein blood had special healing abilities, but they were immune to the gift themselves. Born with the art of warfare already in their veins, the Malakein were very brave, but conceded. Still, a simple human girl, found her way into ones heart. 

The legend says that they loved each other very dearly, but the women did not let the God-like beauty of their race betray her virtue. They carried out their feelings for each other in dignity, though all was not always as simple. There was also an Elven man, Reinen, who lusted for this human girl as well. With jealousy of her love for the beautiful Malakein blinding him with hate, one night he came to the human girls room, and used black magic to make himself appear as her love; Caius. Confused and under his influence, the girl accepted the Elf into her bed, and screamed when the spell had been broken and she realized what was done. Hearing the girls scream, Caius flew to her window and attacked Reinen when he saw what had happened. The Dark Elf, mortally wounded barely escaped with his life. Caius ordered the guard to take the human girl to a faraway land; knowing that she would never be safe in range of the Elven Empire. They said their goodbyes, and never saw each other again. 

Time passed, and the two never let go of their love for the other; but the same was true for Reinen's hate for the Malakine. Then, Reinen saw an opportunity to take his revenge. When the Elven emperor fell very ill, Reinen did everything he could to win the Emperors trust; and he succeeded. When the Elven Emperor died, the crown was left to Reinen; and so started the Great War. 

Reinen summoned all of the shades who had been exiled and imprisoned, and used them as his army. But living safely in a legendary place never seen by an outsider, the Malakein were not afraid of his army who sought to destroy them. For they lived in the sky, and no one could reach their great kingdom, unless they could fly to it. Then one night, their fears were realized when Reinen's shades summoned great winged demonic creatures from hell, and invaded the great kingdom in the dark of night. Searching for revenge, and only able to live off the healing blood of the Malakein, Reinen slaughtered countless men, women, and children. The massacre went on for years. All the while, he forced humans into slavery, and was constantly in search for the human women who abolished his morality. 

Living deep in the lands to the East, the human girl gave birth to her abomination of a child, but loved her none the less. Living in the last safe place for humans, the mother made a life for her and her daughter, and prospered; never forgetting the love she'd buried deep down for the Malkein man who wrapped himself in her soul. 

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