Everybody Hates Best friends

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It was the middle of november, snowing outside. Tettaglia high school students entered the school. First period was about to start, Chris and Greg entered math class and took their seats.

Chris: Turning his head to Greg "Did you do last night's homework?"

Greg: Looking at Chris, whispering "Ya i did". He quickly passes it to chris before the teacher notices "Why didn't you do it?"
Chris think about last night and the reason he didn't have his homework.

He was in his bedroom and just finished his homework, when a knock on the window startled him. He looked through his window to see Malvo kneeling on the fire escape gesturing him to open the window. Scared faced; he opens the window.

Chris: Left brow raised "Man what you doin here?"

Malvo: Enters the room "I need your help, I'm tryna make maself a better person and go to college and get a degree"

Chris: Frowns "Don't sound like you"

Malvo: Suspicious "What, you think I'm stupid and cant get a degree, well Mr. education it so happens that I already got a degree"

Chris: "Ya for murder"

Malvo: "It's still a degree. Well now I'm tryna get one for education, so I need something to prove I'm smart". He looks at Chris's homework "Hey man this is exactly what I need, I'mma borrow this"

Chris: Knew borrow meant gone forever and should file a police report "Man that's my homework I need it for tomorow"

Malvo: "I'll bring it back" He assured Chris and went back to the fire escape, Chris knew that paper was gone.

Greg: Whipered "Why didn't you just do it again?"

Chris: "I did, Malvo came back and said the school asked for a copy"

Teacher: "Well class take out your text books and open to page 68"

Class ended. Greg followed Chris to his locker, Chris was putting his books away.

Greg: Grunts "Ugh I can't wait for the weekends"

Chris: Grabbing a text book for his next class "What do you have planned?"

Greg: "Sleep mostly but I was also hopin we can do something, unless you have plans?"

Chris: "Ya anything to get out of the house"

Greg: Laughs "Sounds like someone has chores to do"

Chris: Frowns "More like slave labor, I'm experiencing first hand black on black crime" They both laugh.

Greg: "So what do you wanna do?"

Chris: "Wanna catch a movie?"

Greg: "I was hopin for something more fun"

Chris: Thinks "We can head to the arcade"

Greg: "Ya def, what time?"

Chris: "Let me find out if I can get out of queen Rochelle's duties and you know my mom, submit questions and she barks her answers"

Greg: Smiles thinking about Rochelle and her barking at Chris "K"

The bell rings for second period, they both head towards their classes.

It was Lunch period, Chris was getting food for himself when the gingered haired bully comes upto him.

Caruso: Looking straight at Chris "Hey Kimosabi"

Chris: Looks at him a little frightened "What Caruso?"

Caruso: "Where's my lunch money?"

Chris looks at him wanting to say 'you invested it in Mcdonalds, 15 layered fat ass(calling Caruso that)' but kept his mouth shut and handed him money. Luckily he still had enough for lunch. He goes to the table him and Greg usually sit at and sits next to Greg. Greg already got his food and was eating lasagnia. He had an apple and milk on his tray. Chris was eating a balognia sandwich with an apple and milk also on his tray. Chris took a bite of his sandwich and moaned in satisfaction, he was starving.

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