Everybody hates new

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Chris slumped down from sitting asleep to laying down from the weight of Greg on his left side, Greg going down with him. They are now layed down on the sofa, Greg on top of Chris with the left side of his head on top of the left side of Chris's head. Both of their feet off the sofa though, touching the floor.

45 minutes pass after Chris fell asleep and Greg became unconscious drooling. Chris's eyes start to wince, he starts to wake up feeling something heavy on him and his face wet with some kind of liquid. He opens his eyes then turns his head to see Greg asleep on him or to him; perhaps dead. Hoping he didn't go 'Rochelle' on him, starts to poke Greg.

Chris: Gently nudges Greg "Greg, Greg". Greg doesn't answer.

Chris picks himself up and holds onto Greg to pick him up with him. He yawns and then nudges Greg again. He grabs Greg by the shoulders to rattle him but when he looks at Greg's face, he sees a huge red bruise on his head. Chris looks at the table then the couch then the wall and sees a dent in the wall. Chris smile thinking 'so that's how it happened'. He just remembered that he's in Gregs house and he hopes that he doesn't get caught by Gregs dad. He softly pushes Greg off him and onto the sofa. He gets up to look around then slowly closes in on Mr. Williger's room. The door is shut but he donesn't want to open it. He heads back to Greg and tries waking him up but that wall musta done a number no him. He puts his right arm under Gregs legs and his left under Gregs neck then carries him. Gregs heavy but he manages, he heads towards Gregs bedroom to put his best friend into his bed.

He slowly lowers himself onto the bed with his left knee on the bed then slowly lowering Greg but Greg not making it easy because of his weight. He lays him down fast and then slips his hand out. He look at the clock to see it's after 12 pm. He looks back at Greg to see Greg smiling and looking at him.

Chris: Scoffs "You been awake this whole time?"

Greg: Laughs "No, just after you nudged me a few times I wanted to see what your reaction would be to me asleep on top of you.. ow" He grabs his forehead.

Chris: "I thought I went 'my mom' on you during my sleep probably thinking that you were Tanya. Did I plug the cable box in a 'different' outlet?"

Greg: Laughs "No I think I tripped over your foot then hit the wall"

Chris: Relieved "Oh good, cuz I don't think you'd ever be able to get the plug back out ever again". Chris jumps on the bed next to Greg.

Greg: Laughs "And a whole set of different channels". Chris smiles laying down sideways "Man, what a fricken way to waste the day; falling asleep"

Chris: "Ya sorry, I just felt so comfortable. The heat was on and I was so stressed then mellowed out. It was like a personal day at the spa"

Greg: Looks at the time "Man being unconscious is kinda fun. It's like getting hung over, a nice phase out but after being conscious; a big head ache. You must feel like this when you get beatings"

Chris: Smiles "We gotta switch lives someday"

Greg: Puts a blanket over Chris around his neck "Here you go, see what my life is like right now"

Chris: Lets the blanket get put around him as he still lays on his side "Your forehead so red man"

Greg: "At least it's not brown" He smiles.

Chris: Laughs "But with that red head you look like your head got stained with paint" Greg smiles, Chris puts his arms around Gregs waist, lunging in then Greg ties the arms already around chris from the blanket onto Chris's neck. "It also looks like you got stamped"

Greg: Smiles, both face to face with Chris's head leaning on top of him "I got nothing right now". They look at each other knowing they both wanna say what's going on but don't want to ruin it by saying anything about what they're doing.

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