Everybody hates hanging up

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Chris: "Hold on Greg" Chris looks into the dining and living room then stands by the kitchen door so he can make sure no one is listening to him.

Rochelle is in living room with Julius watching game shows. Tanya is listening to Billy Ocean upstairs and Drew is in their room doing whatever he's doing.

Chris: "So man what's up?"

Greg: "Just finished some homework, ready to tell me about the drama of the Rock family?"

Chris: Smiles "Actually it wasn't that bad today"

Greg: Curious "Oooh-oooh did your moms threats downgrade to warnings?"

Chris: "Not for Tanya"

Greg: "Tell me about it"

Chris: Still standing by the door and keeping watch "I got Tanya in trouble today"

Greg: Cackling "No way"

Chris: Looking at the floor "Ya my mom went T-rex on her. She stomped towards her room and brought out her size nine and left a huge print on her face. Tanya tried getting me in trouble by taking my dirty socks from my room and tossing it on the floor when my mom came home so she can blame it on me"

Greg: "Yup that's your sister for you, so how'd she get in trouble?"

Chris: Now looking around "My mom started yelling at me and I told her, Tanya is making her yell for no reason and Mr. Omar is gonna file a complaint to dad who'll yell at you. Tanya yelled cuz I called her a racoon that's when my mom came in and took care of Tanya"

Greg: "Good job man"

Chris: "Oh man I wish I could show you the shoe print on her face, it actually looks like my mom stepped on her" Greg laughs. "Afterwards at dinner we got her to have chores now, by a few words that riled my mom up. Tanya, pregnant and babies"

Greg: "Man your mom and babies, wonder what she'd do if she was in a nursery?"

Chris: "Look around and panic and jump out the first window she sees" Greg laughs. "Most people scream 'ahhhh' when falling out a window but her nuh-uh it's 'I ain't raising no babieeeeees'"

Greg: Laughs "I could see that happening"

Chris: "What's going on at home?"

Greg: Coiling the phone around his finger "Nothing it's borin here, your house sounds fun" He jokes knowing it really isn't but Chris makes it sound like it is. "I wish I had brothers and sisters"

Chris: "You want Tanya? We can sell her"

Greg: Laughs "Nah man"

Chris: "Just pay my dad and he'll give her to you bow wrapped"

Greg: Smiles "Your dad loves Tanya he would never give her up"

Chris: "Just offer him twenty dollars and say..." Chris does 'tempting' voice "'I'll give you an extra two ceeents', if he starts to sweat you got a deal. Those two pennies will secure the deal"

Greg: Laughs lightly, he can imagine how two little pennies could actually accomplish that "What would happen if I offered a dollar extra?"

Chris: "Then he'd exchange Tanya for you. If you asked him if he'd miss Tanya, he'd just count the bills you gave him and say 'oh no dont worry Rochelle can make another one'. This is Bed-stuy after all, he can just adopt of the local girls who don't have baby daddies"
Greg: Laughs "That'd be kinda awesome I would be so in there. I wanna see the comedy unfold right in front of me"

Chris: "Those stuff my mom hits us with ain't like 'looney tunes', I got no hole to hide in from Rochelle Fudd"

Greg: Smiles then sits on the chair in the kitchen "I'd be daffy"

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