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Everyone was afraid of something. It could be dying, peeing your pants at graduation, getting mugged , falling off a cliff. Henry for example , was afraid of Clover. The 6 foot 2 , 183 pound man was afraid of a woman he fucked over in the past.

"She's a fucking psychopath," he stated. Henry paced back and forth as he awaited his own personal Armageddon.

To be honest , Clover's eagerness to help me came as a surprise. But then, she named her price.

Henry , for exactly five days. Right then and there I understood what Henry was talking about. The woman could possibly be obsessed with him.

Of course, I agreed to her rather strange payment. I was prepared to do what ever it took - to get my shoes back that is. Henry would have to suck it up once I tell him.

There was a soft knock on the door. He jumped. Pussy.

I looked through the peephole and saw Clover. She grinned at me, revealing pink metal braces. I rolled my eyes then opened the door.

"Hello asswhole," she greeted Henry's way.

"Hello Satan," he retorted.

"Clover be nice," I warned.

"I'm always nice," she assured "Great place."

"Thanks ," Henry said. "Don't touch anything, I might have to burnt it."

God. These two were like children. I finally got fed up with their bickering and yelled at them, then motioned Clover towards the breakfast nook to set up her equipment.

"So I did some digging last night , " she said while booting up her six laptops simultaneously. "Your friend was abducted outside Global Industries. It makes no sense, a woman gets taken off the sidewalk just like that and no witnesses."

"The last time anyone saw her was around 2 am. I know this is New York but , people aren't really on the streets twenty-four seven."

"I know that Vee , but it still seems a bit off," Clover continued "But you're gonna love this," she booted up her silver MacBook then, opened a video file. Henry and I huddled around her, our faces pressed together as we stared intently at the small screen. The video was dated from about a week ago at exactly two in the morning. A rather drunk Charlotte was displayed, falling ass flat on the pavement.

"How'd you get this?" Henry and I asked in unison.

"Broke into the city traffic- cam feed." I knew Clover would come through for me. "But that's not even the best part, let's skip to a bit after 2.30 am."

In that split second Charlotte was gone.

"Wait STOP!" Clover paused the screen. "Go back. Slower," I emphasized. A large whit SUV slowly came into view. It passed Charlotte and after it was gone so was she.

"Did u see that?" I said to no one in particular.

"I did,'' Henry folded his arms against his chest. "But what does it mean?"

"What do you think it means moron, she's been kidnapped obviously," I said to him.

"How?'' Henry asked "At this angle we can't exactly see what happened. She could've gotten in willingly or maybe not at all -"

I took a deep breathe. I hated when he made sense, we needed something more concrete. Looked at Clover, she most of found something else , anything else.

"I'll keep looking for something else but, right now that's all I got. Digging into your friends' past wasn't much help either, she's too clean."

A stir of pride developed within me. Charlotte's background was anything but clean, I had to get rid of it all. The foster care, the rape, jail and who can forget the countless married boyfriends . With all she's been through I had to help her , she needed fresh start.

All it took to was a click of a button. The fact that a computer genius like Clover couldn't find the truth means that I did my job pretty well.

I fucking rock!

"I'm sure the two of you already discussed my payment." I glanced nevervously at Henry. His brows furrowed , trying to decipher what Clover was talking about.


"I'm positive you and I will have loads of fun Henry," Clover said with a smirk. Henry turned to me pure anger and fear in his eyes.

"What the fuck is she talking about?" He yelled.

"In exchange for my help and my silence I get you Henry, for five days," Clover explained "Although , I'm considering seven."

"I was so wrong," Henry said "It turns out you're the fucking psychopath. You fucking pimped me out! Who the fuck does that?"

"I didn't pimp you out," I said defensively "I traded you-"

"To the devil ! " He injected. Clover sat there between us , soaking it all in with a grin on her face the size of Texas. Henry and I continued to yell at each other, the occasional 'Fuck you' was thrown around a few times as well.

"I'm going for a walk, you two better be fucking gone when I get back." Henry slammed the door behind him.

I sigh.

"That went well." Clover said with a short yawn.

"Fuck off Clover."

VEE BETA ( Book1 of the BETA Series)Where stories live. Discover now