stringer to couple

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Kshitiz's Pov After Yusha proposed to him.

I was taken aback because, in my entire life, girls had only indirectly confessed their feelings, but this girl, Yusha! She was very forthright in expressing her feelings. Impressive. I should have welcomed her confession, but the truth is that I am concerned for her safety, since she will be unable to handle the several flights of stairs that I encounter on a daily basis."Hey, Dude, how's it going?" In the cafeteria, Rupan approached me.In hushed tones, I answered, "Not much." Rupan took a seat next to me and said "What exactly is the problem? Why are you in this Not-In-The-Mode-To-Talk state?"

"Remember, Yusha?" I inquired.

He nodded and added, "Yeah, Numa's best pal." I said, "She proposed to me." "That wasn't what I was anticipating, to be sure. But, what really is the problem? You've let a lot of females down in the past "According to Rupan, "I did," I said to Rupan, "but this time I like her." "Then accept her," he replied, shifting his attention away from her. "I'm sorry, but..." "I'm afraid she won't be able to handle the fame she'll receive after becoming my girlfriend," I said as I turned my head in Rupan's direction.

Rupan put his phone down and gave me a serious look "Look, the ability to handle popularity and the inability to handle it is the game of the future. If she can't, then she hasn't told you about her feelings. Furthermore, if she truly loves you, she will walk on fire for you." Rupan remarked to me, "I pondered for a while and then answered, "I'll take her on as my girlfriend. But the problem is that I've already made things worse, and I'm quite sure she won't want to see my face again." "Wait... I'm not going to ask you what you did. Instead, I've devised a strategy "Rupan continues to speak about his plan. I consider myself really fortunate to have a friend like him.

 The next day...

Everything was in place. For my turn of confession of sentiments, I requested my female seniors to decorate the auditorium. Fortunately, they were eager to assist me. Rupan has managed to capture a wonderful moment of Yusha and me that will be utilized as a decoration at the auditorium. The only thing left to do was wait for Numa to bring Yusha here. Yusha enters the auditorium after a few moments. Only one spotlight was placed on Yusha since the light inside the auditorium was turned off. I could see she was taken aback when she saw that almost every time she spent with me was recorded as photos.

She walked to the centre of the auditorium as quickly as she could. Her body was strewn with lavender flowers from a basket. Then, with lavender in my hand, I approached her. She had seen me approaching. Because of the blush, her chicks turned pink. "I apologize for keeping you waiting for three months," I replied, staring into her eyes.

"I'm not sure whether you'll be able to take it, but I'd like you to stand by my side. No one will be allowed to stand beside you. I'd want to be your healer if you feel better while I'm with you." I muttered something while waiting for her to take the lavender flower from my hands. She snatches my bloom from my grasp. "My heart beats for you, and I want to be with you till death separates us. I want you to be my only girlfriend "I told Yusha," I added. Then I gave Yusha a kiss, and she gave me a kiss in response. Rupan, Numa, and Sophia were among the auditorium who were felled with noses fashioned by a female senior. We both offered them a kind grin. We all walked to the exit door.

This, How my story began from being a stringer to a couple

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