Chapter 21

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The next morning, as Yuri reached the office, every telephone and mobile in the office seemed to be ringing like crazy. She was confused as she walked towards her office. Her secretary came in running and switched on the television. Immediately the breaking news of the hour came up, The fall of the CC group, and the power grab of Park & Co. In a long time, Yuri had an evil smirk over her face "Down you go Mr. Cheol Chang". Her personal phone rang with a message from Yi-Seo Done and Deal closed ;)

The news of the takeover by Park & Co. was on every channel. Toni was in the middle of the security details of the BTS concert when his phone went crazy. He had an idea that Yuri was not going to let go of Chang so easily for the humiliation she suffered. Bang came running into the studio in search of Toni "Have you seen the news? Yuri did it '' At the mention of her name Namjoon just froze in between dance and broke the practice chain. He turned and slowly walked over to Bang. Meanwhile, Jungkook opened his mobile and put it on the speaker about the news. Namjoon was in disbelief as everyone but immensely proud.

Yuri had to be there at the shareholder's meeting for acquisition and mergers with her firm partners. It's about time that the industry knows us. Park & Co. had 4 major role players, who were the most dedicated and trustworthy people whom she owed her life. She sent a group call to all of them to be ready and conquer the meeting. The shareholders were already in a big mess because of the illegalities committed by Mr. Cheol during his reign. The meeting was smooth as it was a single-handed game. Yuri and her partners nailed it to perfection.

The press conference was going to be a bomb. The smirk on all of their faces was priceless and they all were dressed to perfection. Yuri stood up for her speech to the press "I, Ms. Park Yuri CEO, my partners Mr. Park Toni Director, Ms. Jo Yi-Seo Director and Ms. Kim Nara, CFO of Park & Co. Today our company which began from a small pub became a colossal success. This was achievable due to our company's belief that exceptional business and investment arise when a business is founded on people and trust, not on money and gain. Our teamwork, servant-leadership, and moral compass have led us to where we are! Hence our philosophy is simple: If you want a successful business, you have to value your people. And the takeover of the CC group is not a power grab but based on the conviction that the company can enrich under our leadership. Thank you all for being a part of our success."

All BTS members who were watching the news were stumped at what Yuri had done, especially Namjoon. Taehyung was staring really surprised at Yoongi instead who seemed frozen at the moment. Mind you there is nothing in the whole world that can freeze the fearless SUGA. "Suga Hyung...Hyung...are you okay? you seem all red and flustered". Everyone turned around to look at Suga "I'm fine". Everyone was so happy and excited to congratulate Yuri on her success that they all momentarily forgot about RM & her.

After the press conference, Yuri and the team gathered around in the former office of Mr. Cheol. "This looks like an evil liar, definitely not our taste" Nara commented "We need to revamp the office infrastructure according to Park & Co. standards" Toni gave his input "We need to review the employees and their track records and decide how to assign them and manage people who are loyal to Chang". " The security system, training arena needs to be set up along with reviewing the restaurant chains too. What do you think it Yuri?"

"Yes it's definitely a lot of work, but we got this!" Yuri said with a sad smile. "Alright boss we got this you take a day off. you look like you are about to fall off. Did you eat anything?". Yuri had been extra careful with her health and made sure to eat healthily and often. She nodded and got up to leave when they pulled her for a group hug. Ah, the bliss of having a family. She will have to soon tell them about the current situation. Yuri walked through the door and reached the parking lot. As soon as she got in her car, the phone started ringing and it was Namjoon. She sighed and rested her head back deciding whether to answer. She finally started the car and answered his call "Hello". "I'm so proud of you Yuri, you did great. Boys are excited to meet you baby." The moment Yuri heard his voice she realized who much she had hurt him with her words and selfish actions. He deserved to know the truth and decide for himself, it was not her place to make a choice for him." Namjoon I'm excited to meet you. Baby I'm sorry for what I said... I hope you can forgive me". "Where are you?" "Taking a turn at Itaewon station road". RM was beyond ecstatic "Baby just come to me and we will sort everything. I..."

A loud crash interrupted what RM was saying. A crash that shook him to his core, which sounded like a car crash. His blood ran cold, he shouted into the mobile "YURI...YURI...WHAT...ARE YOU THERE...YURI!" No response came back from her side. He immediately called Toni "TONI...Yuri...Yuri's car...I think it crashed, I was talking to her and heard a bang. She was at Itaewon station road. HURRY !!1'' RM started to run towards the exit but his bodyguard and members stopped him. He trashed to go out but they held him tight. This wasn't happening, why now, why...! RM just gave up trashing and collapsed on the floor. Everyone was aghast seeing their fearless leader breakdown like this. Taehyung ran and switched on the TV for any news regarding the crash.

We will sort everything. I...Yuri was sure Namjoon was gonna say that he loved her, but the phrase never came through. All she heard was a loud crash. The crash dragged her car to the side edges at the intersection of the road. What the hell happen? A carrier trailer had popped out on the side lane and rammed into her Porsche forging a side-impact collision. She was so shocked that it took a minute for her to realize that the truck had reversed back and was still accelerating creating a racing sound. Her car had rolled to the side of the driver seat and Yuri was struggling with her seat belt. The whiplash from the crash had disoriented her senses but she knew she had to get out of the car because the trailer was ready for a second impact. Somewhere her mobile started ringing. She pulled out her knife and started cutting the belt, the silence was deafening, except for her hustle to get out of the car and the deathly racing sound of the truck. The moment she was freed from the driver's seat, the truck rushed forward and crashed into the car again. This time the impact caused the windows to shatter. Yuri felt like it was raining glass shards inside the car. There was only the door and window between the deadly force and her. She would smell the blood but wouldn't make out where she was hurt. The impact and moment made her feel like floating in the clouds, spiraling down the back abyss.

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