E.P. 3 Mission

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The camera opens up to three planes flying.

Clover:*Voice over.* "All right, gather round. Our mission today is today is to secure the launch site for the Amity Communications Tower."

Then the camera shows the team leaders looking at a hologram with a map on it. Clover and Qrow are there too.

Clover:"The designated area is an abandoned Dust mine. Since its closure, the Grimm have moved in. The good news is all that untouched Dust is still down there, too. Science team says they'll need it for the first phase of their launch."


Everyone is following Pietro into a locker room.

Pietro:"Apologies for the mess and for holding onto your weapons for so long. The upgrades you requested were, uh, Well, they were more than I anticipated." *He laughs*

Clover:*Voice over.* "Atlas military huntsmen are already hard at work clearing out the surrounding tundra. But recon has identified a powerful Geist that's managed to evade destruction and take several lives."

The camera moves back to the mission briefing room.

Clover:"After we increase our numbers, the Geist were smart enough to retreat into the mine itself," *He clicks a button and a picture of the Geist is shown.* "Meaning it's old, and extremely dangerous. This is our target."

Now everyone is in front of a locker.

Pietro:"Your new weapons and armor should be as requested, and I also took the liberty of reviewing you combat footage from the Vytal Festival Tournament. There's some additional enhancements I'd like to suggest. Oh, but for now, these should serve you well enough."

Asher opens his case and his eye widens. Now the camera moves back to the briefing room.

Clover:"The mine was a labyrinth back in the day. There's all sorts of tunnels and chambers the Geist can move between, so if we're gonna kill this thing, we'll have to split up and corner it. General Ironwood says you've seen your fair share of combat. I trust that man with my life, so tomorrow, I'll be trusting you all, too."

The camera moves back to Asher looking in the case and he shakily pulls out his weapon. It's Penny's old sword but with something new. He presses a button and the sword changes into a shotgun. Its a new Dust. Pietro walks next to him.

Pierto:"I heard you carried that sword all the way from Vale to here. And you're old sword broke, So I thought I would combined the two and make a new one."

Asher then looks to the handle and the necklace is there too.

Pietro:"I put the necklace on to and I also strengthen the chain on it so it won't ever accidently break. I also increase how many shells it can hold and Also." *He presses another button on the gun and a hatch on the handle opens to reveal a small empty space.* "A place where you can hold an extra 8 shells. You always seem to be running out of ammo." *He laughs.*

Asher hugs the sword tight,

Asher:"Thank you."

Pietro pulls out something that is covered in a cloth.

Pietro:"That's not all. General Ironwood requested I made this for you." *He hands Asher the cloth.*

Asher sets the sword down and grabs the cloth and sets it on the table. He opens it up to reveal a new arm and eyepatch. They eye patch has some wires coming from under it. The arm is still red and the eye patch has his emblem on it. Asher detaches his broken left arm and puts his new arm on.

Pietro:"This new arm as a few new functions, flick your wrist right." *Asher does and a screen pops up. It has his team aura on it.* "It's connected to your scrolls, now put the eye patch on." *Asher goes and Pietro grabs the wires and puts it in his ear.* "Your eye patch now has a ear phone and it's also connected to your scroll and arm. So you can talk to people and listen to music with...well.. a flick of the wrist." *Pietro laughs.*

Asher's Story: RWBY Volume 7Where stories live. Discover now