~ 𝘙𝘦𝘥 𝘝𝘦𝘭𝘷𝘦𝘵 𝘊𝘰𝘰𝘬𝘪𝘦 𝘚𝘮𝘶𝘵 𝘈𝘉𝘊'𝘚 ~

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A\N: This is just a small gift for nayaArtz, I might do more of these in the future I just wanted to test this out and I thought "Why not write this for someone, makes it more reasonable." Other then that, I hope you enjoy the smut ABC'S.

After Care - (What they do after sex):
Red Velvet will not allow you to do stuff no matter what, he believes that since he took the honours of topping you he should take responsibility. He would also say things like:

"Oh no, don't worry about the mess. I'll take care of you before I'll worry about the clean ups, you come first before anything."

Before sex he would specifically prepare a clean change of pyjamas and maybe a shirt of his so he could get you to comfort right away. Not to mention he would carry you everywhere for basically the whole day. If you let him most likely he would carry you to the bath and prepare the most luxury bath he can for you, maybe even with your permission he would help you bathe.

Body part - (Both his favourite on him, and his favourite on his s\o's):
Red Velvet likes his cake hand the best because he can make you happy and crazy for him. He loves every single inch on your body, up and down. Scars? Pft, he finds those extremely attractive. Eye bags? Funny, he finds those cute in so many ways. Yes, he would be concerned but he would make comments on how they are cool. Birth marks in weird places? Say that again? If it's in you're private areas he'll call you his "Secretly Marked Trophy." If its anywhere else he will call you his canvas. He doesn't care what "Weird" stuff is on you, he just loves you overall.

Nothing specific, he prefers releasing in a condom because he doesn't think he's worthy enough to do it inside, If you insist and explain to him that its something you're allowing him to do then he would gladly do it inside but then later on he would apologise.

Dirty Secret - (Something he loves but doesn't tell you.)
He absolutely loves it when you pull his hair, scratch his back, moan his nicknames and  compliment his hand in a dirty way. He's extremely obsessed with those things, he just doesn't tell you because he thinks you'll judge him, he actually gets you to do those things in secret. His favourite is probably hair pulling.

He was 100% a virgin when you guys got together, you needed to teach him what to do but not for long since he got the hang of it quickly. Now he's an expert at this, almost seem's like he would do this on a daily basis.

Favourite Position:
Honestly, he doesn't care. As long as you're getting pleasure from him he's fine with almost anything. If he had to pick then most likely it would be when you're facing him while riding him, he likes it when you make eye contact with him while he's inside of you.

He would guide you to play with yourself in front of him to show how much you want him, obviously before it happens he'll ask if you're into it so it wouldn't be a turn off.

Despite his "Tough and edgy" behaviour, he'll sometimes accidentally beg you to pull his hair when he's close out of pity. He would also pull your hair if you guys are in doggy style.

Jack Off:
Surprisingly he's half and half, meaning that he would do it pretty often but at the same time he wouldn't bother. For example if he had a bad day and he's too shy to ask you for help he would lock himself in the bathroom and jack off out of rage or stress relief.

Biting, hair-pulling, role play, begging, (!!SAFE!!) knife play, slight bondage, praise and breeding.

He enjoys doing it on your shared bed, he also liked doing it on the couch and loves destroying you on the kitchen counter.

No. - (Huge turn offs):
He will refuse to smack you in anyway, even if it's sexual (Even though that's the point.) He believes that degrading is tolerated but if he where to choose to spank you or slap you he would never do it. He wants no unpleasant physical pain towards you.

Motivation - (Turn on's):
He loves it when you bend over him or grind against him, he especially goes crazy when you whisper "Sweet" things to him, Especially:

"Are you going to be a good boy for me? Just wait until I'm done and I'm under your control and ready to follow your commands."

He's obsessed with receiving it and giving it, anything oral he's in for it.

He normally goes slow ranting about how you're his and how good you're doing, then getting faster as you go, but if you make him jealous he will immediately go painfully slow. If you behave he'll go as fast as you'd like him too. 

Quickies - (Quick sex sessions):
He loves them. If he takes you to The Sweet Tower Of Chaos and he's in the mood and if you are as well, he would sometimes drag to you a hidden room and destroy you.

As stated in the previous category, he loves fucking you in semi-public. Something about the risk of being caught seem's to turn him on even more then doing it privately, sometimes if you're at some sort of gathering he would use the bathroom with an unlocked door.

Red velvet is in the middle, he's energetic, but not too much. He's more on the layed back dominant side. He would have that deep-ish raspy voice, you know what I mean. He could normally last 2-5 rounds, sometimes if he's over energetic he'd ask you to top him.

He has mixed feeling about them, he'd prefer using his body to pleasure you then something artificial, but at the same time he enjoys you going crazy over a max levelled vibrator. 

Unfair - (Teasing):
He loves teasing you, he loves it when you cross your arms and turn red. He likes seeing you a drooling shaking mess reaching out for his touch, sometimes he'll feel bad and try to hide it by saying something like:

"Alright, you've been good. Hold onto my back and I'll please you as you wish." 

He's fairly loud in bed, he would often grunt and whimper your name under his breath. If he's over stimulated he would moan extremely loud, sometimes to tease you he would moan your name and make a "Fuck face".

Weird Facts:
He's a major switch, he prefers being top and in control but he also enjoys being a bottom and a pleading mess for you. Especially when he's tired., but again, he tops you very often.

Red Velvet is on the average scale with a size ranging at 8.3 inches, and a fair 9 inches when he's erect.

Surprisingly, he doesn't have a sex drive. On average you two do it about 3 or 2 times a month, maybe more if he's "In the mood" too often.

Red Velvet will only rest when your'e, clean, happy and pleased. You matter to him more then any rest he's offered. He would flip you on top of himself and play with your hair while snuggling his head in the crook of your shoulder and whisper softly on how well you did and how good you made him feel.

A\N: 1306 words, yay we made it, now we know our ABC'S. Anyways, thank you all for understanding my previous A\N And I'm very grateful for all the support. Question, should I do more smut ABC'S? Let me know. I hope you all enjoyed and don't forget to eat and drink everyday, and have a great day

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