Omega Persuasion

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Nines stalked into the observation room with clicking steps, doing a good job of hiding his displeasure. Reed didn't have to wonder if his partner had turned off his facial muscles. He knew. Nines' pale skin was completely relaxed and neutral as he stepped into the room, bringing with him the deep scent of sawn metal and gunpowder. Reed huffed out a breath, trying not to let his omega hormones rise to it. It wasn't Nines' fault he was frustrated, and hormones were harder to control than physical muscles. He was an alpha, and he was furious. His alpha was furious. The scent wrapped and twisted around Reed's senses, flooding the space with heat. He closed his eyes, pushing down the shudder churning through his stomach as his omega writhed in discontent.

"What now?" Miller asked with a tired sigh as he leaned back in his chair, unbothered by the pressing scents. Nines was the most intimidating alpha they had. If he couldn't make the alpha in there crack, then they were sunk. Well, they would be without their secret weapon, Reed thought with a hint of smugness. He twisted his seat towards Miller, leaning back with a cocky air as he uncrossed his legs. He could sense Nines' frustration as his tall figure stalked across to the wall silently, sharp silvery blue eyes glaring at him. He almost seemed resentful as Reed quirked his lips.

"What do you think?" Reed retorted as he got to his feet and shrugged out of his jacket, leaving the brown leather tossed carelessly over the back of his chair. He felt tingles of anticipation running up and down his arms as his skin cooled. He wasn't close to his heat, but his scent was still alluring to alphas at the best of times, and he'd spent a long fucking time learning to use it to his advantage. His omega perked up as he coaxed and released his scent. Miller didn't even register the almost sickly sweet scent of cinnamon and coffee, nor did he pay any particular attention as Reed stripped off his long-sleeved navy top. He was a beta. He could smell Reed's omega hormones, but they had no effect on him. Nines, on the other hand...Reed could feel his sharp silvery eyes on him, glaring as they traced his soft pale flesh.

"Using a little omega persuasion?" Miller asked cheekily, his tone suggesting he was unsurprised and somewhat impressed. This was an alpha's job, through and through. The best officers were alphas. The highest ranking officers were alphas. All except for Detective Reed. Around fifteen years ago, Reed had been the first omega in the DPD. He'd gotten threats. He'd been dominated. He'd been used, but he'd also worked hard and proven he was an excellent officer, despite the setback of being an omega. He took shit and gave it back so well that even the most dominant alpha officers had given in to his charm and wiles.

"Gotta use what you got, right?" Reed shot back with a click of his tongue and a poor excuse for a wink. Miller chuckled his agreement as he returned his gaze to the room. He almost felt sorry for the alpha inside. He didn't know what was about to hit him. Reed looked damned good for an omega. He was stronger than most, forcing his body to its limits to keep up with the alpha officers. His muscles were toned and defined beneath his tight, black tank top. It rested a little higher on his hips than usual, revealing the pink flesh of his abs and the V of his pelvis by about an inch. Without the material layer over his arms and shoulders, his scent was even stronger. Nines shifted against the wall in agitation, still glaring at Reed as he tried to ignore the cinnamon and coffee that teased his senses. His LED was spinning yellow in annoyance, and his alpha was prowling restlessly in his chest.

Reed took a deep breath, trying not to seem nervous. He knew it wouldn't fool Nines. He was an alpha. He could smell the nerves. Even if he turned off his alpha programming, he'd still be able to use his android abilities to scan and read his vitals. He wasn't sure if he was trying to fool Miller or himself as he tugged his jeans just a little lower on his waistline and headed out. He closed the observation room door and rested his hand on the handle leading to their suspect.

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