Phcking Alphas

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Reed whistled almost cheerfully as he set about filling the coffee machine, as always. Phcking alphas! Does no one else know how to do this shit? Phck's sake! He couldn't help being annoyed, but he was unsurprised as he took the bag of beans and tipped it into the almost empty top. He filled a jug of water before pouring that in, too. He was quietly proud of his coffee machine. They used to have a really shitty one that would churn out tasteless water, but Reed had gotten sick of it. He'd bought the new one with his own money, and people tipped a small jar whenever they could to chip in for more beans. He wasn't sure it would work at first, but it seemed people valued good coffee on the job.

"Detective Reed!" Connor interrupted in his usual bright but calm tone. Reed jumped out of his skin in response, almost spilling water all over the counter as his omega skittered in his chest. It puffed up its snowy fluff, green eyes wide and glaring as it shifted its attention to the doorway. Reed's heart was pounding as he turned and looked at Connor with a frustrated frown. Phcking androids!

"Phck! The Phck are you doing you plastic prick? Almost gave me a phcking heart attack!" Reed bit out, trying to calm his racing heart. He could feel his omega jittering from the shock. It was an automatic response to danger. He reined in his bitter coffee scent, knowing he'd been releasing distressed pheromones to call for an alpha's protection. He took a breath and closed his eyes. That was the problem with most androids. Without a secondary gender, they had no scent. With no scent, he couldn't tell they were there. If he couldn't tell they were there, they could creep up on him. When they inevitably scared the crap out of him and his omega, he'd end up summoning an alpha. Usually Nines.

He took a step towards the doorway and saw that Nines was already out of his seat with a strangely intense expression. His silvery eyes were sharp and glaring, ready to unleash his alpha's fury. Reed waved him off and jerked a thumb at his prick of a brother in explanation. This wasn't the first time it had happened, and it probably won't be the last. He switched on the machine and set a cup out, waiting impatiently for the bubbling to start as Nines returned to his seat. It was as he crowded against the counter that he remembered Connor had actually wanted something.

"What's up, tin can?" he asked in a grumble as he turned his back to the counter and crossed his arms and legs, leaning back tiredly. Compensating Taylor had given him quite the workout. The coffee machine was warm. It was nice against his bare arms. It was then that he remembered he'd left his jacket and top in the observation room. Phck...Connor looked hesitant, clasping his hands together like a child about to broach a difficult topic. "Did you scratch my car again?" Reed asked instantly as he scowled. It was the only thing he could think of to make Connor so jumpy.

"No, nothing like that...I have some questions." Connor seemed to find his stride towards the end. Reed watched as he crossed to the table and sat down, looking up at him with hopeful hazel eyes. Reed sighed, using one hand to wave at him to continue. He didn't entirely dislike Connor these days. He'd done his best to adjust after the revolution, and had more or less stayed out of Connor's way unless they were put on cases together. Their interactions had been pretty good overall. His insults had slowly lost their bite, and become more pet names than anything else. "As you know, it is now possible for androids to have secondary genders installed." Connor paused to make sure Reed was following.

"Yeah, sure. So you can be like Nines now?" Reed asked offhandedly, unconcerned as he eyed the coffee machine. A few more seconds. Connor shifted almost uncomfortably at his words, hazel eyes dropping somewhat. Oh, not like Nines...Reed recognised his apprehension. He could understand it, too. Nines was an alpha, in every sense of the word. Biting. Controlling. Dominant. Protective. Strong. He was almost textbook. Perfect. Reed winced and pinched the bridge of his nose as his omega purred and pawed him with want and approval at his thoughts. He could already feel his pheromones rising as his sweet scent leeched out needily. Phck! Phck off! He pushed those thoughts aside and refocused on Connor, who was none of those things.

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