Chapter 2- The forgotten father

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Y/n POV~

As I slowly opened my front door all I could think about was how I was going to tell my family about losing my job. They knew that I had a meeting with the sushi place, but none of them, even I didn't think that it would result in me losing my job. 

I mean it wasnt my fault and it wasn't just me that had to leave. It was everyone.

I quietly took off my shoes, kicking them off one after the other. I did this because I wanted to make it to my room without anyone noticing. I just wanted some time alone to process what just happened. And how the heck I am going to make money now. 

This time in Korea there are barely any jobs available, everybody wants one, even if they don't like the job itself. They only put up with it for one reason, the reason we all exist. Money.

" Money is the reason we exist, everybody knows that it's a fact kiss kiss😘😘."

As I tiptoed up the stairs, trying to avoid every squeak possible. And I made it to the top of the stairs until my mother's bedroom door swings open. I freeze not knowing what to do. She looks straight at me while cocking an eyebrow up in confusiom.

"How long have you been home honey?" She says as she starts walking closer towards the stairs. 

"I only just got in."

"Well how was it, when do you start work again then?"

My face turned pale, I generally felt my gut drop. I really didn't want to tell my mum, It's not because I feel she would be disappointed because I know she wouldn't. But how am I supposed to tell her I have no way of making money and therefore I can't pay for the food,or the hot water, or the electricity.

"Well, basically mother I-"

 I stopped mid sentence, trying to figure out how to tell her in a way that doesn't sound as bad as it is?

" The shop, its closing down mother."I said as I faced the floor. I couldn't bare to see her face as she realised what this would mean. I tilted my head up to face her and all I could see was my mother's unhappy face. I could have burst into tears then and there. But instead I ran past my mother and straight into my small room, making sure to close the door first.

Many emotions unleash as I flop onto my bed. Anger, sadness and disappointment. Letting out everything in a muffled scream. Supprisingly It actually worked, slightly. Before I could do it again my door knob begins to twist and I dig my face into a pillow, hoping that whoever was there would notice I was avoiding conversation and leave. I then quickly realised my strategy failed as I felt the end of the bed sink and somebody sat on it.

" hey, are you okay?" my mother asked as she started to stroke my back. 

" Look I know things are going to get harder from now on. But I've been in a situation like thi before and I know we can all get through this." She spoke very softly and very camly which is the complete opposite of what I thought she was going to do. But I prefer her this way, it's like a whole different side to her.

I sat up quickly after she spoke. Confused as to why she said she had been through it before. I had no clue she had been extremely poor in the past. Maybe that's why she acts the way she does and constantly reminds me to "be grateful!" But I was willing to question her about that.

"Hold on mother, Did you just say you had been through this before?"

"Yes I did dear, unfortunately this isn't the first time I have been through a situation similar to this."

Her response made me even more curious than before. So I decided to ask her further questions.


"Before you were born sweetheart, when I was pregnant with you actually! Me and your father-"

I rolled my eyes as she mentioned my father. I have never met the man in my whole entire life, aparently he dissappeared mysteriously before I was born. 

Which I personally think is a bit of a lie. Mother tells me that it wasn't his fault that he never was here for me when I was little. But I never have heard the story of his disappearance, making me think if my father is actually real. Or my mother doesn't even know who my father is and has just made a cover story.

  I have so many theories about my "father" but today i'm actually going to find out the truth.

"Are you seriously talking about him again!" I mumble quietly to myself. Clearly I said it a bit too loud because she stops mis sentence and gives me a glare.

"Yes this again, and I'm actually trying to answer your questions so please listen!"

I scoffed as she cleared her throat and began to tell me the story.

"Your father was addicted to gambling you see, he would bet millions of wons that he didn't even have on poker games. Putting us in debt by so much bloody money . You wouldn't even believe it. 

And one night while he was out ,he decided to play the riskeist game of poker ever and bet a huge amount of money. He knew I was pregnant with you at the time so maybe it was because he wanted to provide enough for you! I'm still not sure to this day. But that night, he lost big time and owed all the men lots of money. S

o he ran until he couldn't run anymore so eventually, al the casino men caught up to him. They made him sign this contract, i think it was a physical contract and it stated that:

He has to pay all the money he owes them by the end of the month otherise they own full body.

Meaning they can kill him.

But your father came home to me that night and randomly told me whatever happens it wasn't my fault. . The next day he left for work and came back later than usual with 100,000 won and a strange card . However he managed to get that money, clearly it was painful because he came back with multiple red marks on his face. He told me he was going to make some money, whatever it takes. Which i was confused about what he was on about.

On that same night I heard him crawl out of bed and leave through the front door. And out the window I saw a van pull up at around 12.00pm and he was taken and that was the last time I ever saw him. I'm not sure if he's dead, or if he just left us for someone else. But i knew in that moment that when he left, he had good intentions."

I could see tears that formed into her eyes as she finished speaking. I guess he really was real and did just disappear. I don't know if she meant to go on about his actual disappearance but she was probably just caught up in the moment.

One thing did really catch my attention as she was telling me the story. It was the strange card, surely he didn't take it with him so maybe she has still got it. Maybe I could even be a detective and figure it out, like one of those spy movies..

"Mother have you still got the card?" I asked and she stared back at me with pure confusion.

" Goodness, i wouldn't think so but possibly. I can go check if you want, Or maybe he lft it outside when he got inside that van!"

" Yeh i highly doubt it's in the house, I mean we would have found it by now. You know what? I'll go and check outside right now, maybe it might give us a clue to where he is!"

"Your determination baffles me sometimes you know." She said laughing.

I decided to go and check outside, It was getting colder now so I grabbed my phone and coat. And I left to search for the card.

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