Chapter 13- Sparkling water

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Y/n's POV~

I sat there in disbelief, did she really just do that, for me? My mouth hung open as she began to walk towards me. This girl just beat up my best friend, for me?

I was too consumed in my own mind that I didn't realise sae byeok had sat herself next to me. She looked at me in concern and placed her hand on my shoulder lightly. I blushed, like really hard while looking down at her hand. Knuckles covered in bruises and dried blood. It gave me the shivers, honestly.

I looked back up at her and she looked down at me, we both just kept silent and admired eachothers features. It was all peaceful and calm until some random man walked up to us.

"Hi, my name is Cho Sangwoo, pleasure to meet you!" he stuck his hand out to sae byeok to shake. Waiting for her to respond. She furrowed her brows and came back to reality as she shook his hand , replying to him.

" What do you want?" She said coldly, no emotions on her face, nobody could read her, not even me.

" Uhhh- well I just wanted to congradulate you for making it past the first gamee and to tell you that you picking up that girl was incredible, we should talk sometime, maybe talk strategy's about the game's, we would make a great team!"

She sat there in silence not saying a word. The conversation was very awkward and I couldn't help but shuffle back slightly, to put myself out of the conversation.

" Well, if you ever want to talk, my bed is right over there." And with that, he left, leaving me and 067 alone again.

" What was that about?" I asked

" What did I do wrong?" She spat at me. Gosh why was she getting so defensive?

" Well you ignored the man, and you didn't even tell him your name!"

" I don't do names." No emotions. again.

" But you told me your name sae byeok, and you talk to me!" I protest, what's so special about me?

" But your special y/n, there's something about you that makes me want to tell you everything." 

She gave me a soft look while resting her pointer finger under my chin, slowly lifting it up so I faced her. I began to blush. again. Icouldn't help it, she was making butterflies swarm in my stomach, millions of them, it made me gidy, she made me gidy.

She bagn to bring her finger towards her, bringing my face along with it. She stared down at my lips, then back up at my eyes. Hers were now filled with lust and desire, but before anything could happen, the lady on the speaker announced to all the players that dinner was ready to collect.

" You stay there, I'll go get your food y/n." and then she stood up to go get us food.


pov switch-

Sae-byeoks's POV~

I stood up and walked towards the long line of players also getting there food. As I stood there, taking a step every couple of seconds. All I could think about was y/n, and how she was so perfect. Her eyes, her lips, her smile, her everything makes me blush.

I have no clue why I was feeling this way about her, we met less than 24 hours ago. I never catch feelings for somebody this quickly, but there was something about her that stood out to me. I would be ready to do anything for her. It makes me cringe, how vunerable I am to y/n but I generally couldn't help it.

I got to the front of the line to see, a bread roll, and a bottle of sparkling water, I obviously took two, one for me and one for y/n. Walking away from the line, heading towards y/n plastered a smile on my face, looking at her sat there so beautifully.

" There you go y/n, enjoy." She chuckled as I handed her our 'gormet meal' and we both started to eat.

" Did you know, sparkling water was the first thing I drank at my sister's home." She looked back at me while flicking the cap off.

" Sisters home?" I asked confused, stuffing some roll into my mouth.

"  Oh, I forgot to mention, my sister lives in a care home, we couldn't provide her enough so she was put at a home, do you have any siblings?" I swallowed my roll dramatically. I couldn't tell her about my brother, he was the most important thing to me and I don't trust her enough.

So I decided I was gonna keep my mouth shut and lie to her. Say I didn't have a brother.

" Yea I do actually, my little brother, he's also in a care home because i wasn't allowed to take care of him myself." I slapped myself invisibly. I didn't just tell her that, seriously sae-byeok?

We talked about our families more as we ate and everything was quite peaceful for once.

Until a curly haired lady walks up to the masked guards and got on her knees.

"PLEASE LET US GO!" she begged. We both got up, I had to help her obvs( her ankle) and walked into the large crowd that formed around her. Trying to understand the situation.


hello alllll!


I hope you liked this chapter, I added some fluff cause why not ;)

I love you allllllll!!!!! <<<<33333 SAY IT BACK <<<<3333

Ill see you all on the next chapter, and also I updated my other story so please go check that out..... See you later <<<333

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