Chapter 16- Goodbye

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Sae byeok's POV-

The score was even 100-100.It was player 001's turn to vote, he walked over to the podeum and stood there, his hand raised over the green button then the red button, he slammed his hand on the button and the room turned red. The man had chosen to leave, meaning everybody had to leave, including me and y/n.

We looked at eachother in despair, we were never gonna see eachother again. Korea is a huge place and it is very unlikely that we would ever meet again.

"So-so what happens now?" She looked up at me, small tears formed in her eyes, it made my heart shatter.

" I- I don't know y/n." I replied my eyes begin to blur and then I feel a hot tear stream down my cheek.

" Come on sae-byeok don't be sad, we'll see eachother someday I promise." She holds out her pinkie, so delicate and soft. I interwine my own with hers, instantly relaxing as I melt into her touch.

The masked guards begin to usher us separate ways as we both glance at eachother one last time. Both our faces stained with tears as our pinkies touch for a millisecond.

" Until next time Mi amor." I nodd slightly before turning back around to face the diretion I was headed in. I used my sleeve to dry my eyes, I was never good at goodbyes even if I had known y/n for a day, I didn't want to say goodbye yet, she made me feel a special way and I wanted to feel that way forever, I wanted to know her better, I needed her to be with me. She made me happy. She was a beautiful friend and who knows, maybe we could have become more than that. We needed time, the one thing that was taken away from us.


y/n's POV

I felt my gut drop as the room turned red, the man had chosen not only his fate, but everybody elses. Meaning we all had to go home, I'd have to go back home, and so would Sae-byeok.

I turned my head slowly to face her. As soon as I saw her face, filled by despair and disbelief my eyes began to sting from the water that filled them, Why would they do this? How am I supposed to see her again?

"So-so what happens now?" I speak before sniffing the snot that dripped from my nose. She looked empty, not because I was her everything, but she looked lost, like she had no idea what to do or say.

"I-I don't know y/n." Her hurt voice made my insides crawl up, the way she spoke, they way she began to cry as a tear rolled down her cheek.

" Come on Sae-byeok don't be sad, we'll see eachother somebody, I promise." truth was, I didn't know if I could keep that promise. We would never find eachother in a big city in Korea, we met here by fate, but there is no way we would ever meet in the real world now if we haven't before.

I held out my pinkie after hesitating, patiently waiting for her to interwine hers with my own, she finally did and sparks and fireworks errupted inside of me. See this is how I wanna feel, this is how I need to feel, sparks and butterflies with somebody 24/7. This is the first time I have experinced it, ever and she was the only one that couldd do so. So why do we have to say goodbye now?

More tears streamed down my face at the thought of never feeling that again. Our pinkies stayed interlocking with eachothers until the maksed guards began to escort us seperate ways. I reached out my pinkie as far as I possibly could so we could make contact one last time. We both looked back at eachother and I smiled at the sight of her, as It was the last time I would ever see her.

" Until next time Mi amor." She nodded her head and then turned around. Her last sentence replayed in my head 'Mi amor' she called me her love. I burried my face into my hands as I began to sob, someone who was clearly capable of loving me someday was gone. Forever and I couldn't help but think, what would have happened if the man had chosen yes and we had more time?


Hi Guys....

I'm incredibly sorrry for being inactive but it was my BIRTHDAY TODAYYYYYYYYYYYY AND IM SO HAPPY ABOUT IT. I LOVE BIRTHDAYSSSSS.

Anyways I hope to update on my other story tomorrow so stay tuned for that please. I finally did a mixed POV today though so I am proud of myself. and as you all know they aren't gonna be apart forever.

I'm going to do a couple chapters on the outside world for a bit so we can get a storyline going and I thought that I could borrow somebody else's idea on the outside world and how they meet again so before you say I stole somebody's idea I actually copied and said it wasn't my own so...

anyways hope you liked the chapter i love you alll, 

see you on the next chapter <<33

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