The Start

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Naruto's Pov

I had been asleep when suddenly I was woken up to a ringing sound coming from my nightstand, I realized it was my phone. I picked it up and immediately answered "hello?" I asked "Naruto! I've been trying to get a hold of you for hours now! Are you at home?" I heard Sakura ask me "sorry Sakura and yeah I'm home I was asleep before you called me, why?" I asked wondering why she sounded off, I sat up a bit on my bed "what about Sasuke? Is he there? it is important you need to-" I heard the line go dead. I frowned at the phone "Sakura?" I asked you there? I asked again before I set the phone back on the nightstand. I then got up fully before heading to Sasuke's room "hey Sasuke you there?" I asked and went into the room, he wasn't in sight so I went downstairs and saw that the TV was on the news.

I watched it for a little bit as the woman started to talk about people getting up from the dead and attacking others and then suddenly there was an explosion outside and where the woman had been. the TV went static and I got scared hoping Sasuke was nearby "Sasuke? where are you?" I asked, hoping to find him. I searched most of the down stairs 'is he not home?' I thought before he came running inside the house "Sasuke there you are! Where have you been? Sakura called and said that there was something going on and then there was an explosion outside and on the news!" I said as he closed the glass door and then grabbed his gun. "Hey, what's wrong?" I asked and then went over to him.

"our neighbors were attacking me, I think they might have followed me home" he said and then someone slammed into the door Shit! I said backing away from the door Sasuke did the same. Soon they started breaking the glass door, breaking through it "Back off!" Sasuke yelled at them pointing the gun at them as they got up and ran at us causing Sasuke to shoot them dead. "Holy shit Sasuke!" I said as I continued standing there in shock before some car lights had come into our driveway. "we have to get out of here" he said I nodded and we both ran outside to see a white jeep it was Sakura "oh my god! Are you two ok? You have blood everywhere!" She said concerned and we got into the jeep. We are fine, the neighbor attacked us and gave me no choice but to shoot them Sasuke said, shaking his head a bit. Im glad you're both ok She said as she started to drive us away from the house.

"what's happening?" I asked looking at the other two as I leaned over the middle seat looking at them "apparently there's something going wrong with people, they started to attack others'' she said and the continued to drive "at the hospital when me and my assistant where working when suddenly someone started to scream causing me and her to go aid them only to see them getting bitten and our up by another patient, that's when people started to attack us, some shouldn't even be able to walk but managed to'' she said and then frowned. as we passed by a few houses Sasuke started to talk "we should head out of the city" Sasuke said and the frowned we would have to head through the city thought Sakura said looking scared "I know but we should be able to get through faster taking the Ava road" Sasuke said and Sakura nodded.

As we headed into the city I watched people run away from others and get attacked and torn to pieces. Sakura tried to drive through them but it was hard as she tried not to hit anyone. After we made it through we got to the highway to see people making traffic "have you reached the others?" I asked looking at Sakura I couldn't get a hold of them, the lines were dead when I tried" she said looking sad about it when suddenly someone ran over to the car in front of us after the guy had gotten out and attacked the man and woman in the car before heading for us next I started to panicked as he did. but thankfully Sakura stepped on it and drove away from the highway as fast as she could and went back into the city area.

we need to find another way out! Sasuke said and panicked as Sakura drove we- I started to talk but we were suddenly run into by another speeding car. After some time I felt someone shaking me I slowly opened my eyes and looked around a bit but was pulled out of the jeep I looked to see that Sakura was holding me we have to move Sasuke said I nodded holding my head before we started to run away from the jeep that was now on its side a building had exploded through here Sasuke said and dragged us into an alleyway and then into bar we need to get out of here I said scared looking around and then at the back door. but the people started to bang and push on the door causing Sakura to hold it 'did they have rabies?' I thought to myself extremely scared. "You need to go, Now." She said we didn't really question her most of the time but now it was a whole different situation.

Sure She was very strong, athletic and very intelligent and would have a better chance at keeping the door closed and running away from them than me but she was still our friend but- I started now! She said and glared at me Sasuke handed her the gun so that she would have more protection stay safe Sasuke said and then we both ran out of the bar only to be chased by the now rabid people but thankfully we were kinda faster then them. They were catching up when we had to go up a hill but a man had shot them but not us. We looked at him relieved and then he started to talk to someone on his walkie talkie asking about us. He looked as if he was a part of the military, the relief didnt stay long when he then raised his gun at us.

Me and Sasuke soon took cover by rolling down the hill hoping to not get shot but he then came down as we were getting up and reading to run away. he was about to shoot when he got hot in the head Falling to the ground, I looked to see Sakura she had shot him saving us she came over to us "you two ok?" she asked, getting on her knees "yeah, thanks for saving us Sakura'' I said and smiled at her happily. We then got up off the ground looking around before we all three decided that we should and would stay together through this now more dangerous world we live in and then headed off into that world.


I don't own Naruto and enjoy the rest of the story.

the story has been fully updated, after chapter 3 or 4only spelling corrections where made and as well as a few other things

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