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Naruto's Pov

It's been a week since we have come across the three siblings and they seemed to have settled in well, they all are helping around inside and out of the building more so out then in, I guess they don't like to stay in one place all the time. Me and Gaara had gotten closer, I started to gain feelings for him. I realized after I asked Sakura about it, she got excited about it. "Why are you so excited?" I asked her after getting over my shock about it "because that means I can help you" she said smiling "how so?" I asked, raising an eyebrow "you're not romantic" she said and continued to smile at me "what!? yes I am!" I said and crossed my arms.

"really? where would your first date be?" she asked and I thought about it a bit "ummm I would take him for a horse ride somewhere peaceful and away from the infected and other people" I said and smiled happily thinking I won "oh? with Kurama?" she asked and smirked knowing the horse, I froze and pouted "ok fine you win" I said and she smirked before heading off to where she was needed. After a few hours Kiba said that Tsunade needed me in her office. As I walked down the halls I saw her office and went in. I looked at Tsunade as she stared at me "I want you to help clear out a building" she said and handed me something.

I grabbed it from her and looked at it, it was a map of the building "we are clearing a hospital?" I asked and looked at it "yes, we are gonna see if there are any supplies worth wild there" she said and sighed "I'll go, so whos all going?" I asked and put the map in my bag "you, Kakashi, Sasuke, Shikamaru, Temari, Sakura, Gaara, and Hinata'' she said and then crossed her arms "ok I guess I'll go get my stuff and meet the others" I said and she nodded. I went to my room that I shared with Sasuke and Sai, grabbing my bag before heading out to the entrance where everyone was waiting for me. "About time" Temari said standing there with her arms crossed "sorry" I said and scratched the back of my head smiling.

"Well let's go" Sakura said and hopped into the back, me, Shikamaru, Hinata, Gaara and Temari sat in the back while her, Kakashi and Sasuke rode in the front. Sasuke was driving us "next stop the hospital" Sakura said smiling at us all before Sasuke started to drive us to the hospital it was a peaceful drive but as we were passing over a train station the ground shook and we all had to hold on as it was falling apart, which was just great right? As we started to climb out of the vehicle as Sasuke tried to keep it from falling I looked down to see spores "put your masks on incase we fall" I said to them and they did as told Sakura took the wheel as Sasuke put his mask on. Soon Hinata, Temari, and Shikamaru got out before we all fell "ahh!" Sakura screamed as we fell.

I blacked out. After some time I felt myself awake and looked around. I touched my mask to make sure it wasn't broken. Thankfully it wasn't, I got up slowly holding my head sense I had hit it during the fall "Sakura? Sasuke? Gaara? Anyone?" I called out hearing a groan of pain. I went over to it to see Sakura, she was laying on the ground. I went over to help her and checked on her "you good?" I asked and she nodded before trying to walk but she stumbled a bit. "What's wrong?" I asked "my leg" she said and then looked at it "I should be fine we should find the others" she said and limped over to the vehicle and started to look for the others.

"Sasuke? Gaara?" We both called out and soon I saw Gaara "Sasuke!" Sakura said and went over to him "you see if Sasuke's ok I'll check on Gaara" I said and she nodded I went over to Gaara helping him up "you good?" I asked and he nodded and then looked at me I squinted a bit "holy shit his mask is broken" I heard Sasuke say and then look at Gaara who checked his mask, it was broken Sasuke soon pulled out his gun and pointed it at Gaara to shoot him. Gaara got up and held his hands in front of him "don't shoot" he said and started to move away "and why not, your going to turn" Sasuke said about to shoot "wait! he's not coughing" Sakura pointed out and then we stared at him "I can explain everything" he said and took his mask off fully.

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