The Win

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Authors note: Hello readers. I just wanted to say thanks for giving my book a chance. Now, to the story

—————————————————————————————————————————My prize stood 50 feet in front of me. I was hidden in the bush. I silently thank my father for his Camo jacket. I look left, all clear. I look right. Nothing there. I take this as my opportunity and sprint towards my prize. It would be mine this time. all of a sudden, when I was 15 feet away, an arrow shot out from the top of a tree. thankfully, this person was a very bad shot. The arrow shot passed me about 3 feet away. I kept running as fast as I could. I reached forward and grabbed the flag. I had finally done it. I had won the game. This one is for Josephine, I thought. Who is Josephine you ask? She is the girl I have had a crush on forever. I wish that she would love me. I have wished for this since my first year. now I am in my 3rd year. she had black hair with golden highlights and is shorter than me.The alarm went off to signal the end of the game. I had finally done it. People from my team congratulate me and I take it all in. Then Josephine approached me. "Hi" she starts." You did great out there".

"Thanks!" I reply.

Then Leo, my one and only bro, goes up to me and slaps me on my back.

"Zeke, your the BOMB!" "And the person who shot the arrow at you? Ya, it was Mit..." then he noticed that Josephine was there.

"Ohhh... hi Josephine.'

"Hello Leo" she said with a little bit of discuss. "Yo, Zeke"he turns to face me"Let's go celebrate this victory." Leo suggests. "Sure ,but first, I have to talk to Josephine for a sec. Don't worry, i'll catch up." I respond. 'Fine, see you there, I guess." Leo leaves me alone with Josephine. "Sooooooo.... what did you want to talk about?" she starts. "Well, I wanted to ask you, how is it going with you and Mitchel?" I ask. "no" she says in a whisper. "whats wrong?" I ask. "Mitchel..... he left me....." she replies. "He what?!?!?!?!" I say, anger rising in my veins. "Ya. I just wish that I could find someone who actually loved me and stop having to go to jerk to jerk try and find him....... but, why do you even care?" she sits down and leans on the wall. "I was just wondering.... do you need a hug?" I ask. "Ya" she says as she stands up and I put my arms around her. I was surprised to feel a little jolt in my spine where she touched me. As she pulls away i feel that energy go away. "I better get going. So Leo doesn't worry. Bye. Hope you find who you are looking for" I say as I walk away. "thanks" she relies. I leave and head to the tavern to find Leo.


Thanksfor reading the first chapter of my book. The second chapter will explain why the book is called Shapeshifters. I will be updating the next chapter by this Sunday. That chapter will be a lot longer. Thanks and can't wait for you to read my next chapter.... uptill then.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Sorry for the HUGE wait but i will finally be able to update more often because it is summer now... Thankfully but i will have at least 2 to 3 chapters each week for now on untill school starts again.

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