The fight

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I walk into the tavern and look around for Leo. I see him in the back of the tavern and walk over to him. "How did it go?" he asks. "I learned that Mitch dumped her" "wow... thats... GREAT!!! Now you have a chance!" he replies. "I know. I am planning on asking her tomorrow, but for now, lets celebrate that victory!" I say as I go over and get some Honeyrum. It isn't the kind that has achool, but it works here at camp. An hour goes by without anything very interesting going on until.......... "Hay! Watch were your going, losser!" Mitch Barks. "I thought you were the losser, Mitch. All you have to do is look at the scoreboards and see who is in first. Ohhh, wait. Is that too much work for you? Do you have to call your mama to do it for you? Just like what you did to get in this school." I respond. "BURN!!!!" Leo shouts in the crowd. Mitch pulls out a knife and charges me with anger. I wait for him to get in arms length, then i activate my hidden knifes underneath my jacket and the blades pop out of there containers and i easily block the knifes and get under his guard and kick him into a table. By the time Mitch falls into the table, Josephine and the General walk into the tavern. "STOP!!!" The General shouts. the general gets in between us. By the time he said stop I had my blades hidden again in the containers. He never noticed my blades, but he did notice Mitchel's knife. The general took Mitchel's knife and says "Go back to your barracks. Both of you." "Yes, General" me and mitchel replies. Me and Leo head to our barrack and we deside to get some sleep
Hey sorry u haven't updated in a while but I will be updating today.

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