The Slime

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Wait before that I look at my self and see I have no clothes on. Hey system can you get me a outfit with blue shirt, shorts, and shoes out.

"Okay host"

Then the clothes appear in front of me and I put them on. Thanks system now where is that slime. Wait why is it even eating the nice flowers. I should get some before he eats all of them. Hey system can you take about 2000 of these flowers and put them in inventory.

"Yes host but they aren't flowers."

Well I don't care they look nice so I want them. Then a huge bunch of flowers disappear in front of me. Now it is really time to go to the slime. I then started to walk to it and used my skill.

"Hello slime what is your name"

The Slime gets startled and I hear another voice.

"Calm down someone is just talking to you with their skill. Now all you have to do is talk in your head and they can hear you."

"Okay Grate Sage, Now who are you."

"Well I really don't have a name but all I remember was getting shot and waking up in this cave."

"Well I was the same but I got stabbed."

"Well cute slime what is your name."

"Well I really don't have a name too."

"Well cute slime do you want to be friends."

"Well why do you keep calling me cute."

"Well because you are cute little slime."

Then he blushes he is really cute. Now what should I do with him. Well system can you pls show me my status.


Name: None

Age: None

Race: Ture Elf Dragon

Ultimate: Nature Control

Unique: Emotional Control, Immortality, Elemental Magic

Extra: Pain Resistance, All race communication

Race: Dragons Breath, Flight, Dragon Transformation, Elf Transformation, Plant Growth, Magicules Regeneration, Magicules Growth, Knowledge

Magicules: Demon Lord
Speed: Demon Lord
Strength: Demon Lord
Defense: Demon Lord
Stamina: Demon Lord"

"Okay slime where do you want to go now"

"Well I was thinking about finding away out of here."

"Well I am going to be coming with you."

I then pick him up and start to walk in a random direction.

All his stats are Demon Lord he is not a Demon Lord him self. Well bye and see you guys next time. I hope you will still read.

That Time I Got Reincarnated Into That Time I Got Reincarnated As A SlimeWhere stories live. Discover now