Chapter 12

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Omg guys I can't believe we're finally at the last chapter! Granted we probably would've been here a long time ago if I would've posted sooner but 😅. Anyway I wanted to know if I should make the bots have holoforms or not and anything else you might think of that could make this story better. Enjoy this last chapter before the next movie!
Your POV

Sam and I climbed the last steps to the top of the building. "Finally now where's that damn helicopter?!" I asked panting slightly as I ran around with Sam before hearing it and he lit the signal so they would see us as we ran to an edge of the building.

"Hey! Hey! " Sam yelled as I waved my hands over my head getting their attention as they flew towards us. I watched Sam before noticing Starscream out of the corner of my eye "Wait no! " I yelled but was too late as he shot one of his rockets at the helicopter sending both me and Sam falling back onto the roof grunting as the helicopter went crashing down.

I sat up right as we both heard Optimus making me sigh in relief.
"Hang on twins I'm coming! "
Sam and I started running towards his voice before jumping back as Megatron broke through the roof yelling out for us. We looked around and went to an edge hanging on to a statue which was really difficult with there being two of us on such a small space.

"Is it fear or courage that compels you flesh-ling? " Megatron asked as he stood up from the rubble he caused looking in our direction. I looked over still seeing Starscream on the building across from us just watching. "Give me the all spark and you may live to be my pets! " He snarled

I gagged at the thought "Who in there right mind would believe that's a good deal I mean look at you!" I said as Sam yelled about never giving it up.
We mover our feet making us almost fall back as the part we stood on started crumbling slightly. Megatron growled glaring at us "Oh.. So unwise" He shook his head and we screamed once we fell back after he slashed at the statue we hung on to.

I gasped as we both fell into a service and looked up relieved to see Optimus hanging from the side of the building. "I got you twins, hold on to the cube" He said putting us near his chassis. He then proceeded to jump from the sides of the buildings time the ground falling at the last few jumps thanks to Megatron jumping after us.

"You two risked your lives to protect the cube" Optimus spoke
"No sacrifice.. " Sam started
"No victory" I finished with a small smile
"If I cannot defeat Megatron you must push the cube into my chest, I will sacrifice myself to destroy it, get behind me" He said and we got off his chassis and stood back as he stood up facing Megatron as he did the same

"It's you and me Megatron! " Optimus said
"No it's just me Prime" Megatron growled glaring at the mech in front of him
"At the end of the day, one shall stand, one shall fall" I heard Optimus speak as me and Sam moved around a small crack in the ground

"You still fight for the weak, and that is why you loose! " Megatron said throwing Prime around

Starscream flew around above us attacking some of the other jets, who were firing at Megatron making him fall asleep stumble his way towards me and Sam.
Optimus noticed this, tripping him right as he was about to grab us
"Mine! All spark" He crawled towards us as we backed up closer to Optimus
"Sam put the cube in my chest now! " Optimus said and I looked at Sam frowning hoping he wouldn't.

Sam stood up ignoring Optimus' calls for him as he shoved the cube towards Megatron's chassis instead.
I watched in slightly shock as Megatron just seemed to absorb the cube piece by piece until nothing was left and Megatron fell to the ground twitching around before finally falling  still.

I looked over at Sam who was stood back staring at Megatron in shock.
I walked over to him as Optimus stood up walking over to Megatron. "You left me no choice brother" Optimus spoke softly before kneeling down in front of Sam and I backed up slightly.

"Sam.. I owe you my life. We are in your debt. " He said before getting back up
I heard a vehicle and looked over smiling once seeing Mckayla pull up with Bee. We looked at each other and smiled before both of us walked over to them all.

"Thank you all of you, you honor us with your bravery" Optimus spoke between we heard Bumblebee say something
"Permission to speak sir? "
"Permission granted old friend" Optimus nodded as Sam spoke up
"You speak now?! " and I laughed a bit at that before heard Been speak again
"I wish to stay with the twins" He looked over at us and I smiled a little before looking at Optimus hoping he would allow him too.

"If that is their choice" Optimus said looking at us
Me and Sam smiled looking at him nodding "Yes! "


"With the Allspark gone, we cannot return life to our planet, and fate has yielded it's reward. A new world to call home. We live among it's people now, hiding in plain sight, but watching over them in secret. Waiting. Protecting. I have witnessed their capacity for courage, and though we are worlds apart, like us, there's more to them than meets the eye. I am Optimus Prime, and I send this message to any surviving Autobots taking refuge among the stars, we are here, we are waiting. "
There ya go guys the last chapter of the first movie and like I said please comment if you'd like me to give the bots holo forms and what you think could make the next book better!

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