Chapter 8

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   Your POV

I was looking out the window ignoring the very annoying dude who took us

I laughed a little when Mckayla had said he was just mad because he had to get back to guarding the mall

"You in the training bra, do not test me especially with your daddy's parole coming up" He said
"Parole what parole? " Sam asked
"I-its nothing" Mckayla said nervously

"Oh grand Theft Auto that ain't nothing? " The dude asked
"Ya know how I told you my dad fixed cars, well they weren't always his" Mckayla said
"You stole cars? " Sam whispered in disbelief
"We couldn't always afford a babysitter so sometimes he had to take me with him" She said

"Yeah she's got her own juvy record to prove it, she's a criminal, criminals are hot" The dude said while staring at Mckayla so I kicked his seat
"Stop staring at her you little pervert! " I said

"It'd be a real shame if he had to rot in jail for the rest of his natural life, it is time to talk! " He said right as we slammed into something

We screamed a little as we were picked up and then dropped as the roof to the car was torn off
We looked up and smiled when we saw Optimus
"You a-holes are in trouble now, gentleman I wanna introduce you to my friend, Optimus Prime" Sam said as he looked up at Optimus
"Taking the children was a bad move" Optimus said "Autobots relieve them of their weapons"

Optimus kneeled down
"Hi there" Simmons said nervously
"You don't seem afraid, are you not surprised to see us? " Optimus asked leaning down
"Look there are s-7 protocols, ok I'm not authorized to communicate with you, except to tell you I can't communicate with you" The dude said

"Get out of the car" Optimus said
"M-me you want m-"
"Now! " Optimus cut the dude off as he nodded
"Alright get out" He said getting out as some other men let us out
"I-im getting out, I'm getting out you see" The dude said a little nervous

"So now your good with handcuffs too huh? " Sam asked as Mckayla picked the lock on his cuffs
"Sam don't be rude" I said frowning a little
"You guys weren't supposed to hear that" She muttered as she moved on to my cuffs
"Yeah" He said
She looked at him "Sam I have a record because I wouldn't turn my dad in, when have you had to sacrifice anything in your perfect little life"

"Big guys, big guys with big guns" The dude said looking at the bots
Sam walked over with us behind him
"What is sector 7? "
"Answer me! " He said
"I'm the one who asks questions around here not you young man! " The dude said

"How'd you know about the aliens? " Mckayla asked
"Where did you take our parents? " Me and Sam asked
"I am not at liberty to discuss that" The man said
"No" Sam said reaching into his pocket pulling out his badge
"You touch me that's a federal offense" He said
"Do whatever you want and get away with it right? " Sam held up the dudes badge
"Where's sector 7? " Sam asked
"Wouldn't you like to know? " He asked before something hit him in the head
My eyes widened as Bee started peeing on him before I started laughing
"Hey hey hey! " The man said disgusted
"Bumblebee, stop lubricating on the man" Optimus said
"Get that thing to stop! " The man said as Bee just shrugged like he didn't do anything
I smiled laughing a little

"Alright though guy take it off" I said as Sam cuffed all the agents to a pole
"What are you talking about? " He asked confused
"Your clothes, all of it off" Mckayla said
"For what? " He asked
"For threatening my dad" She said as he starts taking his clothes off
"Little ladies this is the beginning of the end of your life" He said as we just nodded a little amused
"Your a criminal face facts" He told Mckayla as he undid his belt

"Now get behind the pole" I said when he was done
Mckayla cuffed him to it
"I will hunt you down, without any remorse" He said as the dude next to him copied him
We just nodded walking off

"We have to alert everyone" He said
"They already know" The other one said showing his phone "Speaker"

"Optimus incoming! " Ironhide said as they all transformed
Optimus picked us up and started running
He hid under the bridge just in time
The helicopters flew under us
"Easy you three" Optimus told us quietly as we held on to him the best we could
I moved a little right as they flew under us again and slipped almost falling before Mckayla and Sam grabbed me
I screamed a little scared as I looked up at them
"Hold on y/n! " Sam said worried
I started slipping "S-sam I'm slipping!" They slipped and we all fell screaming
Optimus tried catching us with his foot but failed I thought we were gonna die until I felt Bumblebee catch us right before we hit the ground

He slid across the ground keeping us in the air away from the hard ground
I saw the helicopters fly towards us
Bumblebee stood in front of us as they shot a grappling hook at him and it lodged into his arm
The other one shot his other arm

"NO! " Me and Sam screamed as another one came and shot his leg and they all tripped him making him fall

Cars pulled up all around us
"Stop! " Sam said keeping me and Mckayla close trying to protect us

Men came out aiming guns at us "Get on the ground! " They said running over
We all got down on our knees as they forced us to the ground
"Ow! " I said before looking at Bumblebee when Sam said he wasn't fighting back

They sprayed him with something making him whir in pain
I frowned as the men pulled us up
I struggled out of the dudes grip and ran over to him
"Y/N! " Sam said but I ignored him as I grabbed one of the dudes gun spraying him with it before grunting as I was tackled to the ground
The dude pulled me up and I struggled as he brought me to a truck and pushed me in
I grunted before frowning and looking at Sam and Mckayla

"Are you ok?! " Sam asked worried
"I'm fine" I muttered before looking out the window

With Optimus and the others

"Optimus are we just gonna stand here and do nothing? " Jazz asked as they crawled under the bridge so they wouldn't be seen

"There's no way to free Bumblebee without harming the humans" Optimus said
"But it's not right-"
"Let them leave" He said cutting Jazz off

He saw the glasses Sam had dropped and carefully picked them up


Im finally done with this chapter guys I'm so sorry it took so long hopefully I can upload the next one either in a few hours or sometime tomorrow I plan on doing quite a few chapters since it's been so long since the last chapter I uploaded

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