Chapter 7

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Your pov

We pulled up to our house and we all go out of Bee's alt-mode
"I need you to stay here and watched them ok? " Sam asked Mckayla while she nodded
"Five minutes" He said as he grabbed my hand and dragged me up to the door

"Thanks for staying on the path" Our dad said sarcastically
"Wha- oh the path yeah sorry" Sam said
"Ya know I pay for half your car, do all your chores" Our dad said

I see Bee peaking around the corner and my eyes widened a little as I tried to get him to move not wanting my dad to see him
He put one of his fingers to his mouth

I look back at my brother as he shuts the door when our dad tries to get out

"Ya know what we're gonna clean the path, sweep the whole thing right now" Sam said
"No no I wouldn't want you to strain yourself" Our dad said as he tried to get out again only from Sam to shut it again

"Wha-strain ourselves, no dad it would hurt us if you did it we'll do it" Sam said
"Ya know your mom wanted me to ground you two, your three minutes late" Dad said
"Well that's just another thing you did for us dad" Sam said

"Another thing huh? " Dad asked as he started walking away from the door
"Alright sleep good handsome man" Sam said

"Really " Handsome man"?" I ask
"Oh hush" Sam said

Sam ran over to Optimus
"Wha-what are you doing, no watch-watch the path, please please please,wait no no no! " He said right before Optimus stepped on the fountain in the middle of it

"Oops sorry my bad" Optimus said stepping back
"Just great" I muttered putting my head in my hands slightly annoyed

"You couldn't wait-you couldn't wait for five minutes, just stay gosh" Sam said before running off to probably find Mckayla

I saw Mojo run out and over to Ironhide

My eyes widened when he peed on Hides foot "No bad Mojo! " Me and Sam said at the same time

Hide shook his foot "Ugh wet" He said as Sam picked Mojo up to keep him from getting squished

"Whoa whoa easy easy this is Mojo, he's a pet of mine" Sam said quickly as Hide got his cannons out and aimed them at Sam and Mojo

"P-put the guns away, put the guns away" Sam said trying to stay calm
"You have a rodent infestation shall I terminate? " Hide asked

"No, it's not a rodent this is my Chiuauau, we love Chiuauaus don't we? " He asked glancing at Mckayla nodding a little
"He's leaked lubricants all over my foot" Hide said angrily
"He-he he peed on you? " He asked before turning towards Mojo "Bad mojo bad mojo" He said
"Bad mojo" Hide agreed putting his guns and cannons up

Me and Sam ran in the house and up to his room and started looking for his back pack

I looked over and saw Optimus lifting Mckayla up into the room through the room
I ran over and pulled her in
"What are you doing? " Sam asked
"They really want those glasses" She said
"Please hurry time is short" Optimus said

"I know, you want me to find the glasses, you need-ypu need to hide I'm trying, I'm looking" Sam started rambling
"Calm down calm down" Optimus said pinching the bridge if his nose
He told the others something and they nodded backing off the house
"Thank you" Sam said before he told Mckayla too look on one side of his room before he snatched up a box she had grabbed

"N-not my box, this is my personal things" He said stuffing it under his bed
"Well you said look over her-"
"I didn't mean that it's my personal box" Sam said cutting her off
"Well you should be more specific so I don't get in trouble in your room" She said slightly annoyed

Mckayla looked outside "uh guys" She said
We looked out the other window and Sam started freaking out

"W-what is this, I said hide, this is my backyard not a truck stop" He said after seeing all of them had transformed back into their alt-modes and was parked in our backyard
"Well how were they supposed to hide other than this Sam? " I asked glaring at him

They transformed again and Ratchet fell on a power line making the whole house shake and the light go out

Me and Sam heard our dad yelling downstairs about a earthquake

"Ironhide shine the light" Optimus said before we were blinded by a bright light coming from Hide

"No you gotta turn that off" Sam said as we heard our parents coming upstairs

Our dad knocked "Sam, Y/N? " He asked trying to open the door "why is the door locked, you know the rules no locked doors in my house"

Mckayla hide and we finally got the bots to hide after Ironhide turned the light off

"Unlock this door" Our dad said
"You know he'll start-" Mom was cut off by our dad counting "oh dear"

He got to three "Stand back" He said before we opened the door

"What's up?" Sam asked
"What's with the bat? " I asked after seeing dad had a bat in his hands

"What was that light? " Dad asked
"What light? " We asked
"There was a light" He said
"What ligh- dad you go two lights in your hand" Sam said

"Why are you guys so filthy? " Mom asked
"We're kids mom, we get sweaty and filthy" I said

"You guys are so defensive, we're you... masturbating? " She asked

"WHAT?! No mom that's just gross, why would we do that especially in the same room" I said disgusted

"No mom I wasn't masturbating" Sam said
"It's okay, you don't have to call it that if it makes you guys uncomfortable, you could call it our happy time, or my special alone time with myself" She said
"Judy just stop" Dad said
"I'm sorry I've had a little but to drink and I'm not thinking clearly" Mom apologized while dad looked out the window

"Aww we've got a blown transformer, and the yard is a mess" He said shaking his head

"We heard noises and voices up here" Mom said
"Well there are two people up here mom" I said
She was about to say something before Mckayla stood up

"Hi I'm friends of the twins" She said

"Oh my- you are gorgeous" Our mom complimented her
"She can hear you ma" Sam said slightly embarrassed she had heard all that
Mckayla laughed a little "Thank you" She said
"Oh my- I'm sorry you had to hear our little discussion" She said
Mckayla just smiled a little
"Mom do you know where my backpack is? " Sam asked
"Yeah it's downstairs in the kitchen" She said
We thanked her and ran downstairs

Sam got the case and made sure the glasses were in there before handing them to us "go give them to the bots I'll distract mom and dad" He said as we nodded before we heard something from the living room and ran to it

"Ah there they are, how you doing kids are you Sam and Y/N? " A man in a suit asked
"Uh yeah" Sam said confused
"I need you to come with me" He said
"Whoa way outta line your not taking my kids" Dad said stepping in front of us
"Sir I'm asking politely" He said

Another man came up and whispered something to him
He looked at us "Kids step forward please" He said
We looked at each other confused before stepping forward
He got out some sort of device and pointed it at us and it started beeping like crazy
His eyes lit up "BINGO! 14 roads, bag em and tag em" He said before walking out as three men came and cuffed me, Sam and Mckayla bringing us out to some vehicles
Our mom and dad were also cuffed
"You hurt my dog I'll kick your butt" Mom threatened when they took Mojo
"Sam, Y/N don't say a thing until I get a lawyer you hear me" Our dad said before we were forced to get into one of the SUVs
Hey guys, I know it's been so long since I last uploaded a actual chapter since the last thing I posted was just a A/N like this is, but thank you for being patient with me, I'm really sorry it took so long for me to upload this and also sorry if it's a little mixed up from the actual movie, I haven't been able to watch the movie in awhile so I had to go off memory and I promise to upload the next chapter soon

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