School options :)

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OK this one I have a large opinion on. I mean, I think most students will tell you not to do the subjects they do but I'm just going to give you the real deal on the subjects that I did for GCSE options. 

MUSIC - this one I would say you should only do if you have a real passion for the theory part and composing, because you do not do much actual playing what so ever. IN my experience, we had to do 1 min and 30 seconds worth of playing which we performed in front of the teacher twice over the two years. You can't actually get a very good grade just with your performance unless you are playing at quite a high grade already. I did a grade 3 piece, my composition scored a 23/37 and I was at about half marks or just less in my theory. Ill give you some advise about the exam part. You do not need to understand every bit of terminology your teacher gives you, the test is just a memory game.

PSYCHOLOGY - now for me this was the hardest subject to understand just because there is ALOT OF CONTENT TO LEARN. If you are aiming to do something in like STEM or sociology or something like that then definitely do it because it is a really could subject too pick and it does cover a broad range of stuff and personally I found it very interesting but it is a lot of work and writing so you should be aware of that. My tip for this one is just, don't take it too seriously and try to learn the content in a fun way because then you remember it better, even if that's like pretending your a teacher and teaching your friends. 

RE - now this for me was compulsory so I didn't get a choice but I LOVED RE and it was my favourite, I think partly because of the teacher but also I just liked the easiness of it whoops. The only thing I can advise about this one is make sure you know how it works in the exam because it is quite complicated depending on your exam board ( I did aqa so if you have any questions let me know ) and get ahead of revision because it is really easy to understand and you just have to write loads to be honest. 

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