A Chance Meeting

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I groaned in frustration as I counted my coins. I barely had enough to get me a room to sleep in. Hillban was a pretty small town, but it was far enough out of the way that they could afford to upcharge a little. The place didn't even have its own guards, just a small militia made up of a few hunters.

I could save the money and sleep outside, but gods would that suck. I hadn't had a bed in nearly a month. I felt the ghost of a hand caress my cheek and I shuddered, turning to the Steady Stables. It was the only inn the town had, and while it wasn't worth the upcharge, I desperately needed to be around other people.

I made my way in, glancing around. It was mostly empty, with a few people at the bar. There was one table that had four or five people that seemed out of place, but I ignored them. I just really needed some quality time around others.

I approached the bartender, forcing a smile. She was an elven woman name Leana, and we'd already set off on the wrong foot this morning after I called her a cheapskate for her prices. She glanced at me before scoffing, setting a mug that she'd been cleaning down. "Oh? Are my prices more appealing now that you've thought about it? Couldn't find anywhere else to sleep?"

I sighed, leaning against the counter. "Listen, I'm sorry about what I said. But the money I have is barely enough to cover the room. I'll starve. Is there really nothing I can do to convince you to just knock it down at least a gold or two?"

She watched me for a moment before sighing, picking up the mug and going back to cleaning it. "Do you have any skills?"

"I'm a performer. And if that's not enough for you, I'm willing to do anything else you want." I heard a giggle in the wind and I winced, taking a deep breath.

She sighed and nodded. "I'll charge you half price for a show and some chores. Happy?"

"Very. Which would you rather have first?"

She nodded towards a small stage in the corner of the room. "I'll send my husband to let everyone know about the night's entertainment. You can set up."

I thanked her before moving to the stage, examining it. It was pretty much just a wooden box that rose a couple of inches off the floor, but with a stool it would do the trick. I felt something behind me and I froze, my breath hitching in my throat. A deep voice spoke, and I relaxed. "You're a performer?"

I stood straight, turning to face them as I gave a small bow. "Indeed. Do you have any requests?"

"Yeah. Your gold."

My eyes shot up, my stomach twisting into a knot. The orc towering over me had a wicked looking sickle at his waist, and a similarly sick looking grin. He fisted my shirt and pulled me off the ground. Hot, foul breaths fanned across my face. I glanced over his shoulder and saw a few more rough looking bandits, all piling through the doors.

The customers at the bar were all watching us, glancing anxiously between the bandits and the doors. My eyes moved to the table, and I could see they had all stood up, hands on weapons. The orc shook me a little, pulling my attention back to him. "What are ya, deaf? Hand over your gold already."

I gave him a nervous smile, holding my hands above my head. "I regret to inform you that I don't have any. So if you could kindly unha-"

"Bullshit! You've probably got enough gold to fill up both of my pockets!"

My wrists started to itch, and the sword seemed to hum against my back. "Sir, you will unhand me."

His eyes narrowed as another hot breath washed over my face. "Really? What are you gonna do about it?"

As he spoke, a thick black chain wrapped around his wrist, pulling me free. He moved to draw his sickle but I was faster, drawing my blade and slicing down his chest. He stumbled back with a cry as the chain returned to a tattoo, circling around his arm up to his neck. He snarled and drew the sickle. "Get em!"

As he spoke, an arrow flew between us and we both glanced at the table, where a black furred tabaxi held a longbow. She hissed a swear under her breath and started knocking another arrow. As she did, a hooded figure ran forward, pulling a strange weapon from their belt. It had a curved blade with a silver chain, and the figure threw it forward. It slashed against his leg and they pulled it back to their hand with a satisfied grunt.

One of the bandits ran forward, only to be stopped by a half elven male drawing a pair of shortswords. With a flash, the bandit fell, and he glanced over his shoulder. "Hope you don't mind the help." As he spoke, another bandit clocked him in the face.

I heard a battle cry and I looked back as the sickle came down on my shoulder, sinking in deep. I tried to cry out, but the orc's fist sunk into my stomach, knocking the air out of my lungs.

He pulled away, and before I could fall to my knees, a quiet crackling filled the air. I felt my nerves light up, and I glanced at my shoulder. Little bits of lightning covered the wound, and as they faded, all that remained was a small scar. I glanced up at a purple skinned devil that was walking towards the orc, a smirk playing at her lips. As she stopped, there was a blast of thunderous energy.

The orc stumbled, and I took my chance. I focused on the blade in my hand, and it started to vibrate in my hands. With a grunt of force, I ripped the blade up, catching him in the stomach. It caught, and then it pulsed. And then he screamed as his body surged with a small explosion. He fell to his knees, letting out a cough. And then he collapsed.

We all stared at each other for a while, catching our breath. The remaining bandit made a break for it, and the half elf let him. He stumbled past a person who had just walked through the door and was glancing around the room. "What the fuck happened here? I went to pay for some horses and you fucks got into a brawl without me?" They had speckles of gold down their skin, and when they turned to me their eyes were completely gold. "And who the fuck are you?"

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