First Payments

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After a while of explanations and apologies, we gathered at the table they had been sitting at before. The half elf, Valoran, ordered a round for the group and then the grilling started. The tiefling, who had introduced herself as Nerissa, turned to me. "So. Your name is Levin, Levi for short. You perform. That's nice. Explain the chains."

"Explain what? I use a sword. You saw." I lied through my teeth.

Hardus, the late-comer with the glowing eyes, scoffed. "Please. Your makeup is starting to run." The others turned to them, confused. They moved in a motion that I assumed was rolling their eyes, but the solid gold really helped make them hard to read. With a burst of speed, they grabbed a cup of ale, splashing it on me.

I tried to move out of the way, but based on the reactions from the table, I wasn't quite fast enough. I quickly covered my neck, letting out a frustrated sigh. "That's rude."

The tabaxi, Kila, pulled a dagger from her belt. "And that was a lie. Got anymore for us?"

I sighed and slowly rolled up my sleeves, exposing the chains on my wrists. "It's a magical tattoo. That's it." Another lie, but they relaxed a little.

Semitir, the one with the blade, sat back with a sigh. His hood and cloak still covered too much for me to be able to make out any details about him, which was mildly frustrating. "Well, what are you doing out here? It's not exactly a tourist spot."

"I'm just wandering. Possibly join a group of adventuresome individuals like yourselves."

They looked at each other for a moment before Valoran leaned closer. "If you don't mind a quick hoop to jump through, we're here to deal with a problem. If you can do that, you can join up with us."

I raised an eyebrow. "That easy?"

There was a noticeable pause as they looked at each other, and then at their cups. "About a month ago, we gained a vacancy in our group."

We sat in silence for a moment before Kila coughed. "Well, you've got a performance, and we probably need to get a few more things ready. See you in the morning?"

With a few nods, we separated.


I yawned as I made my way upstairs, carrying a slightly heavier coin purse on my hip. Hardus was leaning against the wall, keeping their eyes on me. I stopped before sighing. "Okay, I gotta ask. What's with the eyes?"

"What's with the chains?" They chirped, cocking their head. I stared for a moment and they continued. "The others might be easier to fool. But I know people. And I know when they're lying."

I smiled a little before giving a little nod. "I'll keep that in mind. Goodnight."

I went to walk past and they stood straighter. "Here's a tip. Most people don't cover their 'tattoos' with makeup." I stopped, side eyeing them, and then continued on to my room.

As I entered, I heard something. Like a small bell that rung in my head. The door shut behind me, and I jumped as I saw it. No, her. I instinctively reached for the sword and she raised an eyebrow. She extended her hand, and my wrists were pulled in front of me. She closed her hand as another chain appeared in it, connecting to the ones in my skin. She pulled, and I stumbled against her.

I wanted to pull away, but even if I wasn't so terrified, her grip on me was too tight. She played with my hair, humming. "Maybe don't try to use my gifts against me, darling."

I tried to steady my breathing, but I could myself starting to shake. "What do you want from me?"

She turned my chin up to face her, a small smile playing at her lips. "That's not quite the right question, is it?"


She leaned closer, so that our lips were mere centimeters apart. "I don't want anything from you, because it all belongs to me. You made a deal when to picked up that blade, and now you belong to me."

I couldn't control the shaking anymore. "I-I didn't k-know."

She laughed, caressing my face. "That doesn't matter. You get to have to your pretty little self spoiled rotten, and I get you."

"I-I didn't ask f-for t-this."

She sighed and traced shapes along my cheek. "And?"

She pressed her lips to mine, and everything melted away. All the fear faded, all the tension released. She started moving towards the bed, and I found myself moving with her. I felt my back press against the sheets and she broke the kiss. Her lips trailed along my neck and I shuddered. "All mine."


I opened my eyes, groaning quietly. Everything hurt. So much. I tried to sit up, only for a low growl against my ear to freeze me in place. Her arm was wrapped around my stomach, and it tightened. "Don't move away from me darling."

"O-okay." I mumbled, squeezing my eyes shut.

She hummed in satisfaction as she loosened her grip on me. She caressed my face, turning me to face her. "You make such a good little pet."

"T-thank you."

She pulled me so that she was completely against my back as her hand worked its way down my side. My shirt was still open from the evening's activities, and her hand was cold as it massaged my thigh. A soft gasp fluttered past my lips and she chuckled. "I love your sounds. You're well worth the price."

I didn't respond for a few minutes before quietly mumbling. "W-why?"

She kissed the back of my neck, whispering. "You picked up the sword, doll."

I turned to look at her, and she was gone. The bed was so much colder without her, and I felt my stomach twisting as I sat up. I felt so, so...


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2021 ⏰

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