Chapter 1

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Keiran coughed for what seems like the millionth time that day as he walked out of his english class, the last class of the day, and headed towards his locker. 39 - 15 - 4. His locker popped open and he placed his textbooks on the shelf and slammed the door shut.

“Yo, Keiran!” His best friend, Seth, called out as he walked up to him. He clapped his hand on Keiran’s shoulder and smiled, showing his straight white teeth. “You still sick, bro?”

Keiran shrugged and pulled away from Seth’s hand. “If I am, I don’t want you to catch what I got. Coach said I can’t play in the game if I’m still coughing.” He looked as his best friend and smiled.

Seth was just as good looking as he was. Shoulder length brown hair, hazel eyes, well built, he was a lady killer. They practically ruled the school, they were the kings.

“What you doing later?” Seth asked, cocking his head to the right and staring at him.

Keiran coughed again, a chest rattling cough, and doubled over. “Probably dying,” he forced out a chuckle in between coughs. Seth tried to help him back up, but Keiran shook him away and slowly stood back up. “We should get home before we get yelled at for trying to destroy school property again or something.”

Seth nodded and followed Keiran out the school to their trucks, parked right next to each other. They smiled and waved at the girls and their adoring fans/peers, but Keiran was finding it much more difficult to stay normal on the outside and not know why he was sick on the inside.

He reached into his pocket halfway across the parking lot and right as he wrapped his hand around his keys he heard his name being called from behind him.

“Keian Allen! Night has chosen thee; thy death will be thy birth. Night calls to thee; hearken to Her sweet voice. Your destiny awaits you at the House of Night!”

He turned and saw her. The blue crescent in the middle of her forehead and the beautiful filigree that extended away from the moon and down the sides of her face. She pointed at Keiran and stared at him with bright brown eyes.

Then pain. In the middle of his forehead and slowly spread throughout the rest of his head.

Keiran cried out and doubled over, kneeling in the middle of the parking lot and holding his head in his hands. Right in the middle of his forehead was where it hurt the most, but he had no idea why. He sat like that, curled into himself, to try to keep the pain under control.

When the pain started to fade away, he looked up and met the woman vampyre’s eyes. They held pride and something else. Something Keiran couldn’t place because he had never seen that kind of look in any woman’s eyes.

“Keiran!” Seth yelled when he noticed that his best friend was starting to feel a little better. “Are you ok?”

Keiran nodded and didn’t look at Seth. “I’m fine,” he whispered, “I need to get going home. You won’t see me for the rest of the year.” He slowly stood up and started walking when Seth grabbed his arm and tried to pull him back.

“You can’t just leave. We need you here.” Seth’s voice was quiet and all Keiran wanted to do was stay, he didn’t ask to get Marked. In fact, he didn’t even think that it would apply to him.

Keiran looked at Seth, the blue crescent on full display in front of his best friend. “I don’t want to leave, Seth. I have to though, to stay alive and healthy.” He pulled away and walked fast to his truck.

He was halfway to his truck and he could feel everyone’s eyes boring into his back, hear the murmurs of disapproval. The start quarterback got Marked and now we weren’t going to win state.


Keiran ended up running to his truck, jumping in, and peeling out of the parking lot. All he wanted now was to stay alive.

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