Drunken Phone Call

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The next week of school goes by pretty fast, after school Friday I go to Anna's and we do the usual. Eat ice cream and watch movies.

"So, how are you and Luke?" I ask her, putting my ice cream down and turning so I was facing her. She smiles at the mention of his name and that makes me smile. I wish I felt the same way about Jackson the way she felt about Luke.

"He is amazing, want to Skype him?" She asks, grabbing her phone from the table. I chuckle and nod. She scoots over close to me and starts calling Luke. It rings for a while then he finally answers. He was shirtless and he was laying on the couch.

"Hey babe." Luke says, with a big smile on his face. She blushes and looks at the screen.

"Hey Luke." She smiles widely. They are so cute that I wish Ashton and I were like this. Wait what?

"Oh hey Alex." Luke chuckles. I chuckle and wave. I hear movement in the background.

"Who are you talking to?" I hear a familiar voice. I look at Anna and slowly move out of the frame. I didn't want to see him. I know I would say something that I shouldn't.

Ashton pops into frame and I look at Anna. Luke hesitates. Anna looks between Luke and I. Why aren't they saying its Anna and I?

"Just Anna and.. yeah just Anna." Luke says. He looks up and Ashton. "I see an arm. Who are you with Anna?" Ashton asks. I slowly slide back into frame.

"Me." I say, quietly and slowly. I take a deep breath and I look down at my hands and I fumble with the blanket that was layed out across us.

"Hey Alex." Ashton breaths out. I take a deep breath and look back up at the screen.

"Hi.." I say. Anna shifts uncomfortably. This was not what I was expecting when we called Luke. "How's life Ashton? Is it hell?" I say before I could even think.

Ashton sits down next to Luke and Luke sits up. Ashton rubs his face and grabs the phone from Luke. "Yeah Alex, it has," He says, with a bit of sadness in his voice. I glance over at Anna then back at the screen. His life should be hell, he hurt me. "Is yours?" He asks, with a little bit of hope in his voice. I chuckle quietly. Is he serious.

"My life is amazing, Jackson and I are finally together." I say, I wanted him jealous. I wanted to break his heart right back. "You and Jackson?" He asks, sounding hurt. He coughs then goes back to a frown. I nod.

"Yeah. He is my boyfriend." I say, I sit up and I grab Anna's phone. Anna hits me gently in the arm. I brush her off and I look at the screen.

"Boyfriend huh? Let's see how long you two last." He chuckles and looks over at Luke who actually looked scared.

"It's already lasted longer than you and me." I spit right back at him. He tenses up a bit.

"All he wants is a easy way into your pants, and what better way then to ask you out." He says with a bit of venom in his voice. I chuckle at him, trying so hard.

"We have only had sex once and that was on our first date." I say, Anna hits me in the shoulder and grabs her phone back.

"The fuck you did." Ashton yells through the phone angrily. I chuckle and I lay back into the couch. Why was I doing this to him? Oh yeah, he ruined me.

"Give the phone back to Alex!" Ashton says angrily. Anna shakes her head and looks over at me.

"We were actually going to get ready to go to a party tonight." Anna says rather quickly. I didn't want to go to a party but I did want to drink so yeah, I guess I did want to go to a party.

"Bye Luke." Anna says quickly before hanging up the phone. I stand up and grab my phone and I walk up to my room. I walk into the bathroom and I turn my curling iron on.

"I was kidding about the whole party thing." Anna says, she sits down on the toilet seat and looks up at me. I look at her and smile.

"Yeah but I'm not, I want to go to the party. Jackson's friend Brody always has a party on the weekend. Let's just go see how they are. Plus I want to drink." I say, starting to curl my hair. She chuckles and walks over to my closet and looks through my clothes. She throws a tank top and some high waisted shorts at me and picks something out for herself. I finish doing my hair and I grab my makeup bag and start doing my makeup. I put a lot more makeup on then I wanted to but I liked it. Heavy makeup makes me look really good.

I grab the clothes that Anna threw at me and I quickly change into them. I walk out of the bathroom and into my room and see that Anna is all ready to go. I grab my phone and we walk outside to Anna's car. She starts up her car and we start our drive to Brody's house.

"I'm nervous." I chuckle. I have never been to a party and I never really planned on ever going to one, until now obviously.

We stop in front of the house and we look at each other. "No hooking up with other guys and no getting overly drunk. Got it?" Anna says, pointing at me.

"Duh, I have a boyfriend." I say, I open the door and I step out of the car. I could smell the drugs and alcohol already. I open the door to the house and I turn around to face Anna who was right behind me. She walks past me and into the kitchen like she freaking owns the place. She grabs two red cups and fills them with a yellowy looking liquid. I am guessing it is beer. She hands me one of the cups and I immediately down it. I slam my cup on the counter and demand for her to fill it up again. She chuckles and fills it and we walk out of the kitchen to the living room where most of the people were playing games and dancing. I sit down on the couch and I grab my phone, I had a strong temptation to call Ashton in my drunken state. I have only had a drink and a half and I felt great.

I stand up from the couch and I walk upstairs, and I find the nearest bathroom. I close it and lock it. I dial Ashton's number and I press the green button. It rings and he answers. "Alex?" He answers quietly.

"Ashtonnn" I slur, chuckling into the phone.

"Alex, you are drunk. Tell Anna to take you home." He demands. I shake my head, thinking he can see me.

"Ashton I love you." I say, sitting on the toilet.

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