(I) The Invite.

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"No! I don't want to go!"

"But it'll be a good image for the family!"

"But Dad!!"

"But nothing young lady, you're going to Hogwarts whether you like it or not!" My father snapped back at me. I became frustrated and sat down.

"Look I know how much you don't like school or anything actually, but you have to go. They want you to go" He explained.

"I don't understand why now?  Wouldn't I be in fourth year? Considering my age?" I hissed at him.

"Yes, and I too don't quiet get why they want you now but please honey, take the opportunity. Not just for me but for your future and your mother" My father sat next to me.

"Why couldn't we stay in New York? Where your family is, where mom's family is" I asked.

"Because we got this sent." He shoves the Hogwarts invitation into my hand. "You know your mom was born and raised here before moving to New York with her family."

"I know I know.. she was a witch." I rolled my eyes.

"Exactly. So you should go. Continue that for your mother, okay?" My dad gently kissed my forehead as he stood up. I slightly nod my head while looking down. "Good!" He walks off and leaves me in the living room. I open the envelope that I had in my hands and began to read it.

"September 1st huh? I got a whole 2 weeks to get ready.." I sighed as got up to go to my room. I entered and sat at my desk area. I pull out a quill and paper and began to write.

"There. That should do it." I grab my letter and some money and began to head out. "HEY POPS! I'm going out to deliver a letter!" I yelled out to my father.

"OKAY HONEY!" I hear him shout back. I smiled and rushed out.

"I'm doing you a favor and now you can do me a favor" I mumbled as I began to walk.

- <3

"Thank you Mrs. Richie! Get it safely delivered" I smiled at my Post Office Lady. I leave the post office and walk around London. I soon come across a piercing shop and I proceed to walk in.

"Hey J! What brings you back here? Not trying to get a piercing without your father's permission again are you?" Kate welcomes me.

"Wow, that was a long welcoming! But no actually, I'm here to get a piercing WITH my father's full approval!" I smiles as I take out a contract form with my dad's signature.

"He finally signed it? You aren't fooling us now are you?" Kate raises an eyebrow at me.

"No silly, I got invited to attend Ho- uhh, really advanced school and my father finally decided to give me a treat for that!" I smile as I handed Kate my form.

"Well.. This does have everything signed. Okay, I'll give it to you, come here take a seat" Kate takes me to a seating area. "Still want that septum you've been wanting?" She asks. I nod in joy.

- <3

"AAAAND DONE!" Kate smiles. "See it wasn't so bad!"

I look at myself in the mirror with a lot of happiness. "I love it! Thank you Kate!" I hand her the right amount of money before heading back home.  As soon as I make it home, I rush in.

"Hey dad! Bye dad!" I try to rush to my room.

"Hey honey- WOAH! stop." He says. I freeze before I continue to walk up the stairs. "Come here." I slowly walk back with my head down. "Look at me." I raise my head slowly while covering my nose. "Hand off nose young lady." I roll my eyes as I uncover my nose revealing my septum.

"Y/N LEE THOMAS! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?? H-HOW?" My dad shouts at me.

"Dad, I've been wanting it for a while, you know this"

"Without my permission?"

"Actually, I got you to sign the papers.."

"What!? How!?"

"That day you were drunk..?" I confessed.

"Are you serious? You know yo-"

"Dad. I'm going to Hogwarts like you want me to. Can I have this at least." I sighed.

"Wait you are? Really?"

"Yes! That's why I went to send a letter back. I want to go now."

"What made you change your mind?"

"Feeling closer to mom."

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