(II) Arrival Day.

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"Are you sure you'll be okay?" My father said as he dropped me off at the train station.

"Daaad! I'll be fine" I smiled and rolled my eyes at him. "I got this under control, I can handle myself"

"Okay if you say so.. You have everything you need??" He continued.

"Yeess! I have everything, not one thing missing. Trust me"

"Okay.. well take this in case you need it" He hands me a taser.

"DAD! what the-.. I'm not allowed to have weapons in school! Why??" I shove the taser back at him.

"Well.. just in case any guys try anything" He explained. I rolled my eyes at him one last time and took a deep breath.

"Papa, no one will try anything, I'll be fine, promise. Now go home, I'll come to see you on Christmas, okay?" I smiled as I grabbed all my things.

"Okay honey, stay safe, contact me if you need anything! Goodbye" He smiled and gave me a kiss on my forehead. I smiled back and then walked away into the train station.

"Now where can I find platform.. 9¾!? What the-" I looked around all confused. I bite my lip in confusion.

"Oops! Sorry! Excuse me deary" a lady bumps into me.

"It's all good, umm.. do you know where I can find platform 9¾?" I ask her. She looks back at me.

"Ah hmm..? Oh YES! Follow me, you know I'm so glad I bumped into another fellow witch!" She says joyful as she grabs my hand and drags me elsewhere. "Here she is!" She points at a wall.

"My children already passed through, just run into it! Don't think too much of it, you'll thank me later" She smiles and walks away.

"Wait later..?" I turn around. "Oh, she's gone.. okay" I look forward again facing the wall. If this is all true might as well. I close my eyes and took a deep breath. While grabbing onto my stuff I run into the wall managing to pass through. "Woahhh.." I look around and notice a conductor.

"Ticket." He says. I hand him my ticket. He punches a hole in it and then gives it back before walking away I look up at the sign, "Hogwarts Express 9¾" I then hear the train whistle. I quickly grab my things and get on.

"No way.. It's so cozy in here" I slightly smile.

"Out my way you-" I turn around to a boy with white hair. "Hello? I said out my way"

"Oh, jeez, you could at least say it nicely." I quickly move out his way to let him through. He just gives me a dirty look and continues to walk away. I shake my head a little and take my things into an empty cart. I put my stuff away and sit down to relax. Before I knew it, I had fallen asleep.

- <3

"Shush you two! You're going to wake her!" I hear a female voice. I start to open my eyes and to my surprise I had three people sitting right in front of me. "See!.. Erm, sorry to wake up, are you new?" She asks.

"I like your hair" one of the males says.

"RON!" the female shouts at him.

"What!? It's really pretty"

"Umm.. who are you?" I ask.

"Apologies- I.. omg your accent. Are you from the states?" The girl asked. "Sorry, I'm Hermione Granger! This is Harry Potter and Ron Weasley!" She smiles.

"Pleased to meet you.. I guess.. I'm Y/n!" I say with a slight smile. "Y/n Lee Thomas" I continue as I looked down.

"So you're the girl everyone has been talking about?" Harry speaks up. I looked at him confused.

"No way!! You're like practically famous!" Hermione chimes in. "You're all over the news of Hogwarts! Who would believe that we would run into the Y/N LEE THOMAS!" She gets excited.

"I'm just glad I'm not the one everyone will be talking about anymore" Harry sighs in relief.

"I-I don't get it? Me, famous??" I ask them.

"My mother would not stop talking about you ever since Hogwarts announced that you were officially going to attend school here" Ron explains, "Your mother is extremely famous around here"

I look down in somewhat sadness. Hermione hits Ron after what he said.

"Oh sorry.. I didn't mean-"

"No no, its okay!" I look back up at him. "She's the only reason why I agreed to coming here." The train finally stops.

"Looks like we're here!" Harry potter stands up and grabs his things from the top shelf above me. "Pardon" He says as I look up at him while he gets his things. "Sorry!"

"No it's okay!" I stood up to grab my things as well. "We should get going" We all proceed to leave the train.

- <3

"Attention fellow Witches and Wizards of Hogwarts! As you all know me, I am Professor McGonagall! Here to welcome our New Years!" everyone cheers as McGonagall announces. I stand aside out of sight from everyone. "And as most of you know, to welcome a new student who will be transferring into 4th year! Come on Miss Thomas!" She looks over at me. I walk out as people began to whisper. "Before the New Years get sorted, you will be sorted into your house." She takes out a hat and asked me to sit on a stool.

"Your house will be like your family!" She places the hat on my head. Everyone watches carefully as the hat began to sort me.

"Hmm.. very powerful, you are very bold. But extremely tricky to understand... Rav-Huffle-Slyth-Gryffin-.. brrr" The hat shakes itself off. Everyone gasps and began to whisper.

"Quiet down everyone! Let's try this again" McGonagall says. "Now Miss Thomas, let the hat sort you. It's not scary at all, nothing to be afraid of" She places the hat back on.

"Hmm.. One more go. You have a unique view of the world. I know where to put you! GRYFFINDOR!" The hat says. I smile as the people of that house began to cheer.

"Very good! Now go on!" Professor says. I get up and walk over to the table.

"Here! Sit!" Hermione calls for me. I sit next to her and the guys as they all smiled at me.

"That was interesting" I say.

"Yeah things get better than this" Ron adds

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