Chapter Six

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When i got home Nics was waiting on the porch for me.
"Hey, you hadn't messaged me back."
I nodded and put my bike in the garage before having her follow me up to my room. She sat comfortably in the chair at my desk while I sat on my bed.
"I was delivering my papers."
Nics shook her head.
"It doesn't take you that long. I'm not dumb, don't lie to me Alice."
I sighed.
"I was delivering them...But i stopped to talk to Grace."
"The girl Matt hit you over?"
I nodded and sighed.
"What the hell Alice? Are you trying to get hit again?"
I knew Nics was just worried. She always was when it came to me. After Ishi her worry only doubled for me. I know she meant well and just cared a lot, but sometimes I felt suffocated by her.
"I told her about Ishi."
I did it again, and cursed myself for not being able to keep my mouth shut. This made the Annoying friend's eyes widen. She got up and sat next to me on the bed.
"Are you okay?"
I shrugged, not knowing how I felt exactly. It felt good to get it off my chest, but it also felt like I was giving away a piece of Ishi. I don't even think that made sense.
"What did she say?"
"She didn't say a lot. Which was good I think. I didn't want her pity."
Nics nodded.
"What about Matt?"
I shrugged again. I didn't really want to talk about him. Grace said not to worry about it and I trusted her.
"Grace said she'd talk to him. I've been talking to her for the past three weekends though, i really want to be her friend. I like her."
Nics nodded and took in this information. She looked like she was thinking. I knew she was worried, she was never very good at hiding her feelings.
"You mean you like her, like her?"
My wyes widened and I shook my head.
"No! I like her as a person. As Grace. As a friend."
Nics nodded, muttering a small "sorry" under her breath.
"Her name sounds familiar...But i don't know from where. Maybe I heard it or read about it?"
The Annoying head seemed like she was really thinking hard.
"I don't know but she's cool. She's outgoing and she doesn't wear shoes and almost always wears dresses. Sometimes she wears bright colored lipstick that only could pull off. She sits in the tree with the stars and her hair is shorter than mine. She's kind of weird and says some random things sometimes but I listen cause they're usually really interesting."
Nics shook her head and stopped me before I could talk anymore.
"She doesn't wear shoes? The tree with the stars? Are you sure she's real?"
I got defensive quickly despite knowing Nics was joking.
"Of course she's real! She's short,nice, and calmed me down today when I started talking about Ishi."
Nics bit her lip and nodded, muttering a small apology for offending me.
"You're sure about her? She's trustworthy and all that?"
I nodded with hesitation.
"Okay i want to meet her."
The statement took me by surprise and I shook my head automatically.
"Why not!?"
Nics crossed her arms and pouted like a child.
"Because...well because..."
"You don't even have a reason! Alice don't be selfish. I want a friend too."
I sighed before nodding. I already regret this and it's been two seconds. It's not that I didn't want Nics and Grace to meet, it's just that Grace was my friend. I couldn't help but feel a bit jealous that I'd have to share her so soon. She probably could use more friends though. Maybe I shouldn't let them meet, Grace did say that she didn't do good around people.
"Okay good! When do i see her again?"
I hesitated before speaking.
I shook my head quickly, the regret building even more.
"You can meet her next weekend. I need to talk to her first about it.
Nics groaned.
I rolled my eyes.
"Because I said Nics. Please just be cool about all of this?"
Nics sighed and nodded, lying back on my bed comfortably.
It was quiet for a couple seconds before Nics spoke up almost in a worry.
"You really told her about Ishi?"
I nodded, locking eyes with her. She smiled a little bit, looking away from me.
"I'm proud of you Alice. I know that takes a lot for you to do."
"Thanks Nics."
The silence overcame us again and I laid down next to Nics, both of us staring at the ceiling. There was so much to think about. I couldn't fight the worry that was pressing down on my chest. I hoped Grace was okay with meeting Nics. She could be a bit much sometimes but I think the two will get along.
"Can I stay tonight?"
I nodded at Nics claim. She turned her head to the side and looked at the picture next to my bed. It was a picture of us and Ishi. My hair was full of little flowers in the photo, Nics and Ishi laughing at me while I pouted with annoyance. It was the last photo I had of Iris. The last picture the three of us took together.
I remember the day like it was yesterday. We had been in Ishi's backyard, and I fell asleep by accident. Ishi always liked to look at the clouds, so she would drag me and Nics with her almost every weekend. I had been tired that day, having stayed up almost all night with the two girls watching movies. I don't know how they hadn't fallen asleep, I was exhausted. Before i knew it, I had woken up with a ton of flowers tangled in my hair and two giggling girls. Ishi's mom took pictures immediately after I woke up, so that's why I was so grumpy in the picture.
"That was a good day."
I nodded at Nics' claim. It was a good day. Everyday with them had been good days. I guess Ishi didn't see them as good days though.
"I miss her."
I surprised myself at that. I hated showing feelings like this so much. I didn't like to feel so weak in front of Nics. She needed me to be strong because I know that it was hard on her too. I know it only made it harder for her to cope when she saw that I couldn't. The first year after Ishi was gone I was a mess. I depended on Nics heavily, and now it was my turn to do the same for her.
"Me too."
She reached over and laced her fingers with mine, making me smile a bit. Nics was a great friend, and I wouldn't trade her for the world.
After laying in bed for awhile hand in hand and with few words to each other, we decided to spend the day watching the movies that we watched that night before the picture on my nightstand. The ones Ishi used to like. And as we watched them, whispering the words under our breath because we knew them by heart after watching them so many times, i felt happy.

Ishi may have been gone, but she sure did a leave a mark on us.

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