Chapter 29~I Really Do

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Julia's POV

The sun was glistening through the curtains. I felt like today was going to be a good day for me. I tried to get out the bed, but a set of strong arms were holding me down. I turned around the best I could to see Zayn's sleeping face. He looked like a peaceful child. Looking at his face made me fall more in love with him. "Love it's rude to stare at people when they are sleeping" I heard his beautiful morning voice say. Zayn will be the death of me. "Well sue me kind sir" I said placing a kiss on his lips. "I rather just punish you" he said placing kisses around my neck. He got on top of him kissing me tenderly. I am so in love with this man, and he has me under a spell.

Zayn's POV

I'm under this woman's spell. I can't get enough of her. All I can think about is her. She is my muse, the light to my dark. The flower to my stem, she is my everything. I want to wake up everyday to her. "Move in with me" the words left my mouth without me knowing. I didn't know what I was thinking. At least I could have said this at a better time. "Just think about okay" I quickly said before she could reply. "Ok I'll think about it" she smiled.

Harry's POV

I am ready. I'm so ready. Who am I kidding I'm not ready, I'm about to go Brianna's house, and tell her I love her. Ugh why couldn't I have said it when she was here. When I told her, she was mine. Why did I get mad at the fact she didn't get it. How could she I invaded her privacy and read her message with some guy named Santa. What is wrong with me. Why did I have to wait a couple of weeks to explain to her. Love really makes you do crazy things. I pulled up to her house, and got out the car. I walked slowly to the front door feeling nervous. I just don't know what to say if she opens the door. No I have to get it together. I rang the door bell, and to my surprise Nia opened it. "Hey Nia is umm...Brianna here or..." I said trailing off. "Yeah she is here, but I think she is in the shower, come in though". She said greeting me in, she must have been sleeping because her eyes were slightly opened. "Thanks" I said walking into the house "so umm were you sleeping?" I asked "yeah, and you can wait in her room if you want I'm going back to bed" she said heading back to her room. "Thanks" I said heading to Brianna's room.

I opened the door slightly, and I could hear the shower running. I took a seat on her bed waiting for her to come out. I thought about what I was going to say to her, and how I was going to explain what the tabloids have been saying about me and a new girlfriend. I just hoped she didn't see that, a little less things for me to explain to her. As I was in thought I heard the bathroom door opened, and there she was the love of my life. "Hi" I said when she finally saw me. "How did you get inside everyone sleeping and I didn't hear the doorbell ring?" She asked me looking confused as to why I was here to begin with. "Nia had let me while you were in the shower I hope that isn't a problem" I said looking down at my hands. I just didn't know what to say now. What if she doesn't want me here, or what if she doesn't want me at all? What if all of this is a waste of time?

"Oh" she replied looking down at her hands now. "Look Brianna I'm sorry" I said believing that was the best way to start. "Sorry?" She doesn't even know that I acted like a complete jet last time she was at my house. "For what I said, I just..." I trailed off. I looked up into her eyes. They were beautiful, but I averted my eyes to the wall, but why? I always loved looking into her eyes. I loved the thought of getting lost in them. "Just what Harry?" She asked I don't know why I can't just tell her already. We didn't say anything for a while. She came in front of me, and squatted, and gently turned my head so I could look at her. "Just what?" She was looking into my eyes searching for the answer. " I don't like the idea of you talking to another guy other than me." I said remembering when I read her text with Santa. I just hated the idea of him texting her, she is mine and nobody else. "Harry what are you trying to say?" She asked.

"Brianna I love you" I finally said it, after all this time I finally said it. "But I thought you loved Destiny?" She said avoiding making direct eye contact with me. "I had dated her because she was sweet and she liked me. Don't get me wrong I liked her too, but my heart belonged and always will belong to you and only you" I said gently turning her head so she could look at me. "Harry" she called me softly. "I love you Brianna" I said looking directly into her eyes. "I love you too Harry" she said with a huge smile on her face. I couldn't believe she loved me too. "Really?" I asked making sure this wasn't a dream. But if it was don't wake me up. "Yeah, really idiot. I love you" I gently kissed her, and embraced her happy that she was all mine for sure now. "But I love you more Kitten" I said gently against her lips. I pulled her on to my lap, and kissed her over and over again.

Making sure that this wasn't a dream and I was awake.

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