Chapter 20~Not Okay

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Julia's POV

I heard Brianna say she was going to answer the door and then Destiny voice. I walked out to the little sitting area by the kitchen nobody really does to. I could have seen Zayn through the window. Just looking so serious, maybe I should tell him about Joe so all my worries and troubles will go away. As I was in deep thought when Destiny tapped me on the shoulder.

"Hey Destiny I don't know where Nia is sorry"

"I'm not looking for Nia I'm looking Brianna silly didn't you hear me?" She said looking puzzled at me.

"No I'm sorry what did you want her for?"

"To tell her Harry asked me out"

"That's nice" I looked out the window again and there was Brianna sitting with Zayn talking.

"Brianna's out back" I said pointing towards the tree.

"Thanks" Destiny said smiling and running towards Brianna. What am I going to do about the whole Joe thing ugh I think I'm just going to have to tell Zayn, but I shouldn't it's not like we're a couple at least not yet. I like Zayn he's a nice guy, and I want to be more than friends with him. I think I'm going to make our relationship more than friends and just tell him about Joe.

Nia's POV

Niall and I are in my room half naked and making out. Until it hits me I invited Destiny over. Shit.

"Niall I want you to meet somebody" I said getting off of him and pulling my shirt back on.

"Who?" He said putting his shirt on.

"You will see" I said leading him down stairs.

Brianna's POV

My whole world just came crashing down. "See what happens when you listen to me" I said trying to put on a smile, but I couldn't. What have I done. How could Zayn see that I like him before my own damn self. Even my subconscious knew ugh I'm a idiot. "Yeah and it's all thanks to you" she said hugging me.

"Well I'm tired I best get some sleep" I said wanting to run away at that point.

"You're always sleeping"

"Yup always tired, I'll catch you around if you're still here when I wake up" I said walking away. I just wanted to lock myself away and hide for awhile. I walked passed everyone not making eye contact especially Harry. I walked up the stairs and turned the corner and went to my room locking the door behind me.

"I just need time, and everything will be fine, I'll be fine, who the hell am I kidding I'm not fine nor will I ever be." I said to my teddy bear knowing I won't get a answer back. I put on my Beats headphones and laid on my bed listening to Sam Smith and John Newman, knowing bands can't even make me happy right now. All I wanted was sad music and a little upbeat about love, but mostly sad. I curled up into a ball holding my teddy close to me letting my emotions run out.

Nia's POV

Everybody is in the living room but Brianna. We decided to watch a movie.

"I'll go get Brianna" I said getting up but Zayn stopped me.

"It's okay I'll get her" he said getting up. Strange... When did they get so close?

Zayn's POV

I could tell Brianna wasn't going to come out of her room. I knocked on the door waiting for a answer but she didn't answer me. So I texted her.

To: Brianna

Mind opening the door?

I heard footsteps coming towards the door and the door unlocking and the door slowly opening. "Hey Zayn" she said in a quiet voice. "Can I come in?" All she did was nod her head and step aside to let me in closing the door behind me. She walked to her bed laying down hugging a teddy bear. "Are you okay?" I asked knowing the answer already. "No" she muffled I walked over to her bed and sat at the edge.

"I know it hurts" I said rubbing her head.

"Zayn I'm not a dog" she laughed referring to me rubbing her head. I pulled my hand away a little embarrassed "sorry".

"There is nothing to be sorry about you were trying to make me feel better and thanks" she said turning and looking at me. "So are you up for a movie?" I asked reaching my hand out to help her up. "Yes big brother Zayn" she giggled.

We walked down stairs where everybody was ready and there were snacks set on the coffee table. When I realized that Brianna wasn't moving I turned around and caught her staring, I followed her gaze and stare Harry and the girl Nia introduced to the rest of us. What was her name? Destiny I believe having a good time.

"Ignore and it will be fine" I whispered in her ear and she nodded walking down the stairs. Avoiding Harry at all cost. I took a sit next to Julia as she took one between Liam and Louis.

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