Twelve: Another Day

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-- England --

I couldn't believe it. My yelling had actually worked.

"Ally..." I sighed, a small smile on my face. She looked up at me. I could tell she was weak.

"E-England..." Her voice was weak too. I sat in the chair next to the bed, letting out a sigh.

"I don't know what happened, but I'm relieved you're all right."

Her eyes filled with tears. Mine widened.

"What's wrong?!"

"I made you all worry..." She was crying now.

"No, don't cry, love," I said, trying to comfort her. "It's okay, please, no tears." I went to wipe them away, but what happened next caught me off guard.

She grabbed my wrist and weakly pulled me into a hug. For just waking up from a coma, she was just strong enough to hug me tightly.

"I'm sorry..." She whispered in my ear. She was shaking badly.

I wrapped my arms around her, rubbing her back slightly.

-- Ally --

I buried my face into his neck, my tears getting all on him. I couldn't control it. I was so scared and now that I was awake, I couldn't control my emotions anymore.

I cried heavily into his neck, my arms wrapping around him as tight as I could, which wasn't half my ability at the moment.

"Ally..." He rubbed my back slowly, his other hand stroking my hair. "You have nothing to be sorry for..."

"I do.....I-I have everything to be s-sorry for..."

He sighed. "And what do you have to be sorry for love?"

I bit my lip, pulling away, looking at him, then to the others. They were standing there, looking happy and upset at the same time.

"I never told you about health problem." My voice was hoarse from the crying, and not being used for so long.

-- Germany --

"Healzh problem?" I asked, looking at her. She had a health problem and I did not know?

She nodded. "Y-Yes..."

"Chica, why didn't you tell anyone?" Spain asked.

"I..." She sighed. "I had a feeling you would think I was weak and useless."

"Ve vould never zhink zhat schwester!" Prussia exclaimed.

"Oui mon ami!" France also exclaimed. "You are one of the strongest people I know!"

I was too afraid to speak up. I wanted to tell her I was sorry and that she wasn't weak or useless.

Suddenly Prussia elbowed me in the side. I glared at him, but stopped when I realized he wanted me to say something.

But what I had to say was obvious.

"Germany...please don't blame yourself..." Ally said. "It wasn't your fault..."

"I...." I swallowed dryly, looking at her. She wasn't looking at me. Her head was bent towards the ground. It made me even more afraid to say anything. But I forced myself to.

"I shouldn't have hit you, Ally. It is my fault zhis happened. I should've asked you vhat vas vrong vhen you first arrived for training late." She said nothing. "I should've known somezhing vas vrong vhen you showed up late..."

"I told you I had a long night..."

"Nein, zhat may be true, but you lied. You had a fever vhen I got you here, and you don't get a fever vhen you are hit."

"I...I wasn't lying, I..." She stopped, and sounds of crying came from her. "I...I was up all night t-trying to k-k-keep from c-calling my d-doctor..."

I gritted my teeth. So something was going on...

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