No one

8 2 2

No one understands
No one listens
Everyone just orders

Looked down at
Spat at
Seen as a maid

No help
No empathy
Just hate

Unloving family
Forgotten by my friends
Hated by them all
No one to turn to but myself

Darkness in the brightest of days
Unwanted, unworthy of love
Unseen in the shadows of despair
No one to care for me

You are gone
No one to love me
To care for me
To hold me

No one cares that you're gone
No one remembers you
Didn't even realize you're gone

I pray everyday for you to come back to me
But my prayers stay unanswered
I'm losing my sanity
Demons come for me
But there's no one to help
Just me


A/N: Thank you guys for reading my poems. love you ♡♡

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2021 ⏰

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