Chapter 6

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"How old do you think he is? Wasn't he alive during the Grand War? That makes him almost three hundred."
Valdus has been asking me these asinine questions since we returned to our room an hour ago.

I am still trying to process everything.
I can no longer ignore it; the spell is weakening.
And most importantly, Alaric.

Does he hate me? Is that why he left? How does he even know? Does he feel something?

"I thought I was going to die earlier when I interrupted your staring contest. I swear I felt my spine being crushed under his glare." Valdus continues, briefly distracting me from my gloomy thoughts.

"He does have a powerful gaze." I agree remembering the feel of those eyes on me.

"I know. I'm surprised you didn't jump him. You looked like you were going to faint."

"I almost did." My legs still feel funny.

"If that's what his eyes can do, imagine what his dick will do to you." He wiggles his eyebrows at me.

"I am trying very hard not to think about his dick."

"Why? He's yours. That's your dick."

"And your dick is your mate's?" I ask accusingly. His dick has been all over Africa and Asia at this point.

"It will be when I meet her. He's just perfecting his game for her." He has that dreamy look in his eyes again.

"But this isn't about me and my perfect dick. It's about that Dark Dick."

"Double D?"

"Yes! That's the perfect name for it!" He howls out in laughter. Poor guy has no idea we just named his member. Oh, well.

"What are you going to do?" Valdus asks once we have calmed down.

"We are going to deal with this William thing, then go find your mate." That plan has not changed.

"And Prince Alaric?"

"I don't think there's anything there." I admit. Without the matebond, I am just another human to him. And apparently, he hates humans. Besides, I have a more important job to do. I have to find Kai.

"Over my dead body!" Valdus stands up. "You are not going to roll over and let him go. That is not my Nebula."

"I'm not interested in fighting for someone who doesn't want me." I have a little more self-respect than that.

"When did he say he doesn't want you? Does he even know for sure? He's probably confused about all of this." The man makes a good point.

"I still have to find Kai."

"So? I'm sure he can help." I hate it when Valdus makes sense.

"Stop looking for excuses because you're scared."

"Scared? I'm not scared of him." Intimidated maybe, but not scared.

"You're scared of rejection, scared of letting him in, scared of losing another person."

I want to respond, but I do not have a comeback.

"Have you ever considered he may be scared too?" Well that seems far-fetched.

But he makes some good points.
I should at least try to get to know him.
If he can help me find Kai, I'll even help him become king if he wants me to.

"And is it just me, or is the third member of their pack not a lycan?" I am grateful for the change in topic.

"It is not just you. What do you think he is?"

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