2| To Hell With Second Chances

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I slowly opened the front door creeping upstairs to my room.

"Going somewhere?" I heard my mom say.

I shot my head to my right, she was holding a knife in her left hand I squeaked.

"Woah... At least let me clear my history before you splatter my brains out." I say with a sarcastic tone. "KITCHEN! NOW!" She ordered making her way to the kitchen.

I followed her she started to cut up carrots, "Would you like to explain?" She questioned.

I sat on the counter picking up the pieces of carrots and eating them, "Umm... I'm pretty sure they explained everything to you." I muttered, "So would you just give me my punishment and I'll be on my merry way." I replied sweetly.

I reached my hand out for one more she smacked my hand away, ow. "I am very disappointed in you. You broke the damn girl's nose and guess where my next paycheck is going to go to?" She spat.

She dropped the knife and started to rub her temples, "I barely can keep the lights on." She sighed. I jumped off the counter to give her a hug but she pushed me away.

"Look I'm sorry..." I whispered, "I'll get a job and I'll pay for my mistakes."


"No." she repeated.

"I told you don't get into any more fight's Nia!" My mother yelled and started to vigorously season the chicken.

"I had good intentions... She was talking about you, she was talking about us." I say trying to justify my case.

I placed my hand on her shoulder, "I was just sticking up for you."

She stopped seasoning, Good I thought she would never stop, she trying to give me a heart attack? She turned facing me, "I don't need you to stick up for me. I'm a grown ass woman I can stick up for myself." She snapped.

"Okay bu-"

"I'm sending you to your father's." She cut me off. The blood drained from my face as she told me the horrendous news, but it was soon replaced by raging anger.

"I refuse to live with him and that home wrecking wife of his," I said as I made my way to the fridge pulling out a coke.

I quickly turned around, she was looking at me with sad eyes, "So you're not kidding?" I questioned.


"Why?" I whispered. "Why can't I just stay with you instead of him! He hasn't been in my life since I was four! No phone call no nothing! Why should I live with someone who can't even visit their own daughter in thirteen years?!?" I was full on screaming at my mom now. I felt bad, but she knew my dad was a sore subject for me.

"I'm so sorry sweetheart when I heard you were expelled from school I didn't know what to do! I just called the first person that came to my mind! He said he wants to help. He wants to try and reconnect with you. He's so sorry I promise you. Just give him a chance!" She wailed in my face.


"I don't believe in second chances," I muttered under my breath, all of a sudden her hand connected with my left cheek I looked at her appalled holding a hold to my cheek, "Are you serious right now?" She muttered not looking at me, "Can't you put your hatred aside for one fucking second!" She yells, she looked at me in disgust, "This is what I'm talking about." She says gesturing down my body.

"I can't handle this attitude this disrespect, you're going to go upstairs in your God damn room and pack your fucking bags!" She demands, making me back up a little.

She never talked to me like that, and that look in her eyes. I think I'm going to go... "O-Okay..." I stutter and rushed upstairs to my room.

I made it my room slamming the door making the whole house shake, "NIA!" I hear my mom yell.

"It was an accident." I mutter.

I opened my closet grabbing my black suitcase and vigorously threw it on my bed.

"This is so stupid." I repeated as I threw my clothes in the suit case.

"So stupid!!" I groaned.

I slid down my wall, covering my face with my hands, "I'm stupid."

My door slid open, I took a glance at my mom, "If you want to say bye to Shay, I'll drop you off at her place. Just for a little bit though, your flight leaves in forty-minutes." She says sweetly like she didn't just slap me across my face.

"Yeah, whatever."


We arrived at Shay's place it was dark outside, "I'll be out in like five minutes or.. more." I say and shut the door.

I ran up her drive-way her parents must not be home. I knocked on the door, nobody answered I looked under the sunflower pot on her porch and the key was under there.


I unlocked her door and ran upstairs, "Hey Sha-" I stopped in my tracks when I saw her and Trey sucking each other faces off on her bed.

I stood there for about five seconds contemplating what I was going to do or even say but, I came up with nothing.

I just started to laugh.

They both jumped and got off of each other when they saw me, "NIA!" Shay blurted out. "Oh my God!!" I said through laughs.

"My best friend and my boyfriend." I paused catching my breath, "Are messing around behind my back. Wow. I guess this is my farewell present." I sighed, wiping my tears from my eyes not from laughing but actually crying.

"It's not what it looks like," Trey said walking up to me and placing his hands on my shoulders. "Oh. So it's not my best friend half naked sucking faces with my NOW ex-boyfriend."

"I mean if that's what you believe then, yes." He said with a smile. I pushed him off of me, "To hell with this bullshit. I'm so over today literally." I yelled.

"Wait, Nia. I'm sorry." Shay cried.

"Stop. You're not sorry you're only SORRY because you got caught, Shay I wasn't fucking born yesterday." I spat and walked out of her room.

Shay grabbed a hold of my hand, "Please give me a second chance." She begged.

"Remember second chances are for idiots, and I'm not an idiot." I spat pushing her away from me.

I walked down her stairs and spotted a screwdriver on her coffee table, "What an eventful night." I muttered as I snatched the screwdriver off the table. "I'll leave your key in the trash."

I walked out of the house they followed me, "Nia, please!" She pleaded.

I walked to her car and poked a hole in her tires. "MY CAR!" She yelled. "MY HEART!" I yelled back and threw the screwdriver on her lawn.

"FIVE YEARS WASTED DOWN THE DRAIN!" I yelled as I made my way to the car, "YOU BOTH CAN GO TO HELL!" I hissed.

"I told you she was fucking crazy." I heard Trey say as I got into the car.

"I'm glad she's leaving."

"Drive please."

"What happened back there?" She questioned.



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