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name: Y/n L/n 

quirk: telekinesis, healing, summoning

age: 15-16

gender: girl

y/n can move stuff with her mind and hands if she over uses it her ears will bleed, she can heal her self and others but if it's an illness or really old she can't heal them if over used she will feel dizzy and get blurry vision for an hour or pass out for 50 minets. she can summon creaters or weapions but it uses energy so the more energy she uses the longer she will be out for  but when they are all used at once she can kill or destroy everything in sight, her hair and eyes change color when her quirks are on

y/n's mom dead or alive: she is dead

y/n's dad alive or dead: he is dead

Hi every one ya i know the info is short but  if you read more than you can learn more

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