Chapter 7 back at UA

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Y/n's pov:
I just now left the agency and driving to UA oh and did I forget to mention that Bakugo is in the car with me ya so I don't have any music going because I don't know what he likes so it is a quiet rid but a nice quiet "hey dumbs ass don't you have any music in here or do you just prefer silent" Bakugo asked "ya I have music in here but I don't know if you would like it but if you want then just press the button on the bottom left" I said to him and I hear a 'Tch' come from him as he reaches the button I told him about and I here the immigrants song by Led Zeppelin and to my surprise he was jamming out to it

And we started to sing along to it as we pulled up to UA and everyone was walking into the school and we see E, D/Denki, and Mina they all stopped what they were doing to see me and Bakugo jamming out to the song as I pull in to the parking lot in between my dad's car and ant midnight's car once I turned off the music and the car we got out and Bakugo tried to fix his hair but it was no use it was stuck that way like my hair will be stuck wavy. We walked in and Head straight for class once we entered E, D and Sero were pointing and laughing at Bakugo's hair and some of the girls come up to me and gave me components like oh you look so pretty and you will kill all of the boys if you add makeup and a nice dress. I walked over to bakugo after he beat E, D, and Sero "you know what Bakugo after seeing you with this hairstyle I think you look better with your usual hairstyle"  I said with a small smile on my face and my dad saw and heard what I said and he was frozen in shock and anger after we all took are seats he walked over to Bakugo slammed both hands on the desk "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER!!!!!!!" he yelled at Bakugo louder then what uncle mic could ever do and everyone was quiet because they have never heard him yell before except me after every first ten fight that I would get into he would yell at me like that every time so I got up and grabbed my dads sleeping bag and opined it then grabbed him and put him in it "he did nothing to me dad I was just being nice ok so now chill out ok" I told him and he seamed to calm down and I walked back to my set and everyone was looking at me like they just saw a ghost then dad started teaching. after are first three classes it was finely lunch time after getting my lunch and on my way to sit with E and the others i ran in to turbel aka Monoma "what the hell did your stupid ass quirk and you do to me i was in pain once i got a hold of it and you nocked me out and my team lost because of you and you should of been disqualified from it and yet you were able to keep on going way is that" Monoma yelled at me "It wasn't my fault that you couldn't control my quirks when you coped them next time you should try and figure out what peoples quirks can do and how to control them so don't blame me for you not thinking" I told him with a little anger in my voice as i started to go around him he hit my tray out of my hands casing the food to go all over me and the floor and i was try to stay cool but the next thing he did I lost it, Bakugo and the others saw what was going on and were coming to help me out and to tack care of Monoma but they were stopped and got nocked down and got food dumped on them then I lost it my eyes turned red my h/l h/c started floating up in the air and i started to float in the air every one stopped and every thing started to shack and fly around and everyone was up in the air and every one started to freak out E ran off to get help and monoma was getting stuff thrown at him and his arms and lags were getting stretcher out and away from him and he was screaming and I was to because of the pain from it all and my head felt like it was spinning and I wasn't in control Bakugo and every one else in 1A was trying to get me to stop then dad comes in and used his quirk to stop me and every one fell first then i fell after I passed out with blood coming out of my eyes ears and nose I felt strong arms ketch me and they were worm and I heard voices as they faded out. 

I was out on the training ground and I see all of class 1A  and I started to run tordse them and once I get there they were talking even Bakugo was talking to Deku which is odd "hey guy what's up" i said to them then they all turned around and looked at me with hatred and annoyance on there faces "what do you want freak no one wants you or even likes you so way don't you go a die" E said mean to me "what's wrong with you guys and why would you say something like that E" I asked worried " way would we wan to hang around some one who killed their own parents and try to kill another student and also would work with the villains with a dangerous quirk like yours" Deku said "why are you still alive way don't you just die and leave us all alone because we don't like you ugly excuse of a person you damn extra son of a bitch" Bakugo said with hatred in his voice and i start to tear up and i turned around, saw Aizawa, mom and dad "you killed us you did this to use you should of never been our daughter you never should have been born!!!" my mom and dad yelled at me "I never should have adopted you, I never should have saved you." Aizawa said "YOU KILLED US ALL Y/N L/N YOU KILLED EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" they all yelled and came at me saying everything over and over again and again then i woke up out of breath with tears on my face and Aizawa jumped up and tried to calm me down wail hugging me " I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry" I said over and over again "It's ok no one was seriously injured and it wasn't your fault Kirishima, Mina, Sero, Denki and Bakugo told me and the other teachers what happened and Bakugo cared you all the way here and he was about to go and kill Monoma but I stopped him from doing so and he hasn't left your side ever sense then" Aizawa said to me and I looked to my right and see a sleeping Bakugo " how long was i out for? I asked " three weeks," Aizawa said and I was shocked that he never left my side for three weeks and never went home "whatever happened during the internship has changed him" Aizawa said all calm "he knows about my past," I said looking at Bakugo's sleeping form and I knew that Aizawa was shocked because I never told anyone about my past none of my classmates the only people that know about my past are the teachers and some hero's and now Bakugo "ok I will go and get you food so you have strength for to day" Aizawa said as he got up and left the room and close the door be hind him. "finally he is gone, I want to talk to you" said a rough voice I looked over and see Bakugo awake and getting out of the chair a walking tords me and I was freaking out what the hell is he going to do "so what was the dream about" he asked " it was about how everyone hates me and I am the reason way every one dies and I am the reason way my parents are died and every one was calling me a freak and you said that I am a useless ugly excuse of a person you damn extra son of a bitch and e said that no one likes me or wants me and that i should go and die and Deku said that I am a villain and that my quirk is dangerous and that you guy wouldn't want to be around some one that killed there parents even my own parents admitted it that I killed them and that Aizawa should have never adopted me" I said starting to cray more i put my head in my hands and brought my knees up to my chest then I feel two strong arms wrap around me and I knew it was Bakugo and I hugged him back shoving my face in to his chest "thank you Bakugo for being there for me" I said " Katsuki call me Katsuki" he said looking down at me i pulled away from him and looked at him to see that he as a small smile on his lips " ok Katsuki thank you but i do have a question for you. way didn't you leave to go home and what about all of your classes how did you go to your classes if you stayed here with me" i asked " that is for me to know and you to figure out" Katsuki said  then my dad comes back with a hole hell of a lot of trays of food, recovery girl  right next to the trays they told Katsuki to leave and go to his class and he did with a little bit of hesitation. once I was done eating I got into the school uniform and walked to class with my dad once we got there we went in and I was a nervous wreck but I got tackled by all of the girls, E, D, and Sero every one else surrounded me and said that they were worried sick about me and that I missed a lot of stuff but I started to block them out and looked at Katsuki who had a small smile on his face. once the day was over I  saw Katsuki starting to walk out of the gates I ran after him and was yelling out his name and once he turned around to look at me "I was wondering if you want a ride home" I asked because a dad said he left my motorcycle here for me and that he did something for me "ya sure" he said and we started walking to the teachers parking lot.


Hi everyone  I know its a little long but hey I put a lot of heart and soul into it Jk but I did work hard and still if there is something that I could have done better please tell me so I can work on it, and I will be busy with school and packing so I won't be writing that often other then that i hope you all have a wounder full day or night.

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