chapter 5 the internship

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Y/n's pov

After getting second place in the sports festival because I wasn't even trying to win because I don't have to prove shit to anyone right now, I did get a bunch of internship offers, one of them was the flaming trash hero endeavor, and there is no way in hell I am going with him for an internship, so I chose best jeanist agency, and I chose my hero name, Goddess "hey be safe out there I don't want a call saying that you are in the hospital in a coma or something" Aizawa said with concern in his voice " I will be safe and you won't get a call from the hospital saying that I am in a coma plus I am going to be with best jeanist and I have been in plenty of fights and I can handle my self" I said, I got my bags and put them in the trunk of my 1970 dodge charger and said goodbye to Aizawa and drove off to best jeanist's agency.

 <Time skip>

Once I arrived at the agency I heard yelling come from inside and once I walked in I saw who was yelling I froze in shock to see it was bakugo "uh look who decided to show up" the best jeanist said to me "sorry I got stuck in traffic, I didn't know where to park" I told him, he had one of his sidekicks show us where katsuki, and I will be staying, we had to share a room good thing there are two beds because if there was only, one then I am tacking the bed and he can sleep on the floor just kidding I would be fine with sleeping on the floor. once we figured out who would tack which bed I took the bed closest to the door and bakugo got the one near the window we got changed into our hero costumes.

 once we figured out who would tack which bed I took the bed closest to the door and bakugo got the one near the window we got changed into our hero costumes

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(Your hero costume)

we went back to the main room where everyone was best jenist told bakugo to sit in a chair and told us that he will be doing our hair to look nicer bakugo tried to run but was caught and set back in the chair once he was dune best jenist looked at me and said " your turn" I had a fake smile and looked at him the turned real quick a ran for my life but and be for I made it to the exit I was caught by best jenist and dragged to the char and was tied down but I was trusting around trying to break free but it was no use he had a hold on my hair and pulled it back and started breading it and once he was done I got up and I put my hood back up and put my face cover back on and I wasn't happy with my new hair I was angry because someone touched my hair without my consult but manly sad because it brought back memory's of my mom doing my hair and I didn't want any one seeing me all sad and stuff so I hide my face the hole day because a bunch of reminded me of them and.......that night. after all of those days being out and the memories, I was ready to break down a cry but I can't do it in my room because I share it with bakugo so I went to the roof so no one could hear me cry and beat shit up but what I didn't know was that I wasn't alone up there after hitting some shit I fell to the ground and started crying " hey extra why are you crying and hitting shit up here" said a rough familiar voice I wiped my eyes and stud up "I am not crying and why are you up here I thought you went to bed" I said and didn't make eye contact with him as I tried to walk away but was stopped by an arm. bakugo turned me around and lifted my head so he could look at me "not crying hu then why are your eyes bloodshot" he asked, " the whole day reminded me of people I knew when I was younger and I don't want to talk about it" I said with a hint of sadness in my voice " at the USJ you said that it was your fight what did you mean by that" bakugo said "did you know that Aizawa isn't my real dad he adopted me after.... what happened to my real parents a long time ago" I said walking to the edge of the roof looking at the stars "what happened to your real parents?" bakugo asked walking up next to me "I was 3 years old and born with my quirks so I was considered special. They died trying to protect me from a villain and I saw it happen the villain came up to get me and I stayed with him and another kid which happened to be the one who attacked the USJ with all of those villains, I haven't seen him since the day I left and then a few days later I meet Aizawa and the villain came after me, they fought  I steeped in and won from those days on I promised my self to not let anyone get hurt or killed because of me." I said with watery eyes and my hands in a tight fist " who was the villain?" bakugo asked "he wanted me to call him master but his name is all for one" I said looking bakugo in the eyes and saw sorrow in his eyes.


Hey everyone I know it's been a while sense I last worked on this story but now i am back at it again and I am so happy that you guys are reading it. it means a lot that I get to share my story's with you all so I hope you all are having a plus ultra day or night. 

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