chapter 9 talking with Katsuki

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Bakugo's Pov:

once y/n left pushing her bike I felt bad for her she lost her parents, fighting just to save me two times and I can't get the images of her being covered in her blood wait what the hell is this girl doing to me god damn it what is so special about her that makes me this way. once the old hag and old man said that she is pretty and nice and that I should invite her over for dinner sometime. after I had dinner and finished my homework I was chilling in my bedroom thinking about tomorrow and what is she going to do about the scares and what is Aizawa going to say to me after the last time that he yelled at me and all of the ether times he has gotten angry I think he is a little scary but it's best if I don't show it hell the old hag is even scarier then him but I hid it pretty well.

(The next day still bakugos pov)

I woke up to my alarm and the old hag yelling once I turned it off and got dressed and went to have breakfast once I was done I brushed my teeth, grabbed my bag, and headed to school after putting my shoes on my way to school I see duncface and shittyhair but I keep on walking once I got there Aizawa was looking at me like he has plans to kill me and I can feel the anger radiating off of him and I can tell the extruse can feel it too but something was different about today and I noticed Y/n isn't here which is strange she is normally here before everyone else as I sat in my set Aizawas eyes never left me "ok class as you can tell Y/n isn't here right now but she will be here later and" Aizawa stopped to tack a breath and he looked strait at me "BAKUGO YOU ARE SO DEAD SO GET READY TO GO TO HELL FOR WHAT YOU DID!!!!!!!!!!!" he yelled at me and turned on his quirk as he ran strait at me and I got up just in time and ran for the door but didn't make it in time but there is another option and I ran for the window and jumped out as I was falling waiting for the inpatient but didn't I looked to my right and see Y/n. She wasn't hiding her scare or anything. When I looked down so I can get out of her arms but saw that the ground was getting farther away then I looked at her eyes and saw that they were red  and my thoughts were running like crazy then I was cut out of them "I want to talk to you." Y/n said and that was it. Once we were higher then UA she started flying us north to the woods and again my mind started raining crazy with different thoughts and theories like what does she want to talk to me about and why are we going to the woods? But that all stoped once we came to the woods and in front of a abandoned mansion with a statue of a family the mom and the dad look like the two hero's that died a long time ago and their daughter looks familiar but can't put my finger on it then it hit me I pulled out a picture of the girl I had a huge crush on when I was younger.
(Y/n's POV)
Once we landed in front of my old home in the woods Katsuki was looking at the statue of me and my parents but he was manly looking at little me then I see him pull out a picture, he looks back and forth from the statue to the picture then I see a surprised look on his face "do you know her?" I asked "yes she was my childhood friend and crush but she disappeared one day and no one found her but her parents died in their home." Bakugo said then I released and pulled out my picture if my childhood friend and looked at him then the picture and back at him I did this a few more times then I saw it he was my childhood friend but I couldn't tell him yet.
Hi everyone sorry it took me so long to write this because I am at a new school and a new house but I try to work on it but I hope you enjoy this chapter and have a wonderful day or night.😁🙂👋

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