19. ✯ 𝙋𝙖𝙨𝙩 𝙈𝙚𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙨 ✯

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( Tae ) - " Thankyou so much Sajagnim for your treat

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( Tae ) - " Thankyou so much Sajagnim for your treat..{ He said as we all walk down on a small alley }

( you ) - " It's Okay.. You both did alot of work so you both deserve it.." { I said in a cold tone..}

( Taehee ) - " Yehaa ! brother and unnie , I want to eat ice cream.." { Taehee said in excitement }

( Tae ) - " What..No you already eaten so much..now we not going to eat anything..let's go home." { He denied }

( Taehee ) - " Anii...Unnie i want to eat ice cream plssss.." { She said and start crying..}

( You ) - *Sighh..* Okay I give you both a ice cream treat...pls stop crying." { I Agreed..and she immediately stop crying and start smiling..}

( Tae ) - " But Sajagnim.." { He said..}

( You ) - " It's okay..{ I reply..we all proceeded on our way..after a while i notice 3 muscular man..They were looking at Taehee...But i can sense there intentions are not good..i went near taehee and grab her right arm..}

( You ) - " let's walk fast taehee.." { I Exclaimed..and made rapid strides }

( Taehee ) - " What happen unnie..why are you looking so worried.." { She ask me as she notice my face..}

( You ) - " I will tell when we reach Mansion..but for now move fast.." { I Wishper in her ear..But our bad Luck those man come and stand right in front of us, blocking our way..}

( Man ) - " Hey..beautiful where are you going..with these two boy..come with us..we will take you an amazing place.." { He said as he was trying to grab taehee hand..but mr kim immediately run toward the man and punch him on his face making him fell on cemented road..}

( Tae ) - " Don't you dare to Touch my sister..{ he threaten him..Wohh this is my first time to see him so furious...otherwise i just see him while crying and behaving like a child..i impressed..But Soon The other man kick mr kim from behind and he fell down on road..}

( Taehee ) - " BROTHERR.." { She scream and run toward mr kim..but the man hold her hand..}

( Man ) - " You know what you piss me off.." { He said..}

( Taehee ) - " Let.. me.. gooo { She cried..}

( You ) - *Sighhh*" Yaaa let her go.." { finally i spoke up..All of them look at me and start laughing..}

( Man 1 ) - " And if i wasn't.. What will you do huh.." { He tease me..I went closer to him..}

( Tae ) - " S..saj...sajagnim don't do a..anything t..there are dangerous.." { Mr Kim said while trying to get up..but i decided to ignore his word..}

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