3 - Danger made skin

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Tw - abuse

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Tw - abuse

I was not weak. I liked to think that I was just fucked up. That I was capable of blocking his hand every time it came down on my body, but the truth was that I wasn't strong.

It was not my hand that was weak, it was my mind. I could easily grab a lamp and smash it on his head. I could easily call the cops. I could easily do a lot of things.

But I was scared.

I iced my ribs, a small hiss leaving my lips as they throbbed. I looked into the big mirror in front of me. My whole body looked thin. My ribs were bruised and the dark circled under my eyes had deepened. My strawberry blond hair which once looked beautiful on me looked like a cheap wig.

I threw away the ice pack and splashed my face with water which felt good on my red eyes. I had spent the night crying after another fight.

You are strong. It was almost like I could hear my dad's voice in my head. Tougher than you think and stronger than you feel.

Well, I felt like shit.

I walked out of the washroom, grateful that he was gone. I wore the nearest clothes I could find and stepped into my sneakers, wondering since when I allowed myself to step out of my house without heels. I used to love them.

I walked out of our apartment, locked the door, and was on my way to the bookstore before long. The sun tickled my face as I walked slowly, my body aching. I had put on a little makeup but I doubted that'd fully hide my dark circles or the bruises on my neck so I kept my scarf firmly on my neck.

I walked through a small alley running through my bag for treats. "Ariel?"

The little kitten meowed from the small bed I had made for her in a cardboard box, surrounded by more boxes that had heavy junk in them which prevented any bigger animals from hurting her but had enough space for her to pass.

I walked to her, moving some boxes away. Ariel was a ginger cat, tiny and without family. I took care of her every time I could, but I wasn't allowed to take it back to my apartment as Jeffery hated animals.

I crouched down and held my palm open. She ate her treats hungrily, lapping up on my hand. When she was done, I petted her head. "You're the only one I can tolerate, Ariel."

"Only one? What about me?"

Alexander came into view, wearing his dark clothes as if he was the grim reaper.

We had been working together for about two weeks and the fucker had not made one mistake I could snitch to my mother. He was the perfect silent gentleman who offered to carry the heavy boxes.

I loathed him.

If Jeffery saw him, which he somehow hadn't till now, I was going to get into trouble and after last night, the last thing I could afford was another night like it if I was to get up in the morning.

I ignored the overbearingly handsome man and returned my eyes to Ariel. "I'll be back later." I rubbed her belly and stood up, losing my balance because my less felt weak. Suddenly, he was there.

I fell into his chest, his arms coming up to grab me securely. My knees felt too weak, bones too tired, my heart too heavy.

"Iron deficiency," I said into his ridiculously hard chest. Did he wear a fuking armour underneath it? But I could feel the skin, the warmth of it.

My cheeks heat up and I pushed myself away from him. "That was unnecessary."

"Of course. I should have let you fall on Ariel."

Yeah, I loathed him.

I turned my back to him and rearranged the boxes around Ariel.

"Is she your pet?" He asked.

I shook my head, walking towards the bookstore. He easily fell into step beside me. "No. She is a stray. Her family was killed by some dogs."

He frowned. My eyes lingered on it. Why the fuck was this guy was not a model? Why did he work at a bookstore?

True to myself, I had pried. I asked him questions about himself but he dodged them so easily I forgot what I had even asked.

We entered the bookstore and soon got to work. My mother seemed to have another meeting with her attorney. My dad's death had affected every aspect of our life and if his brother managed to get this bookstore from us...we wouldn't have a source of income. Jeffery could support me but not my mother.

Worry gawking my head, I busied myself to work.

Alexander found me during lunch. "Let's go to lunch together."

I jerked the ice pack my ribs. His eyes flickered to the pack and then to where I had it pressed over my thin t-shirt.

"Are you hurt?" He stepped closer. I frantically shook my head, opening the fridge and throwing the ice pack inside.

"A little. I fell. I fall a lot. Stupid heels."


"I'm the owner's daughter. You don't question m-"

His hands slammed on the counter on either side of me, his large body pressing closer and he glared down at me. Suddenly, the small break room seemed smaller.

His breath hit my face. It smelled nice. Too nice. He had great teeth, too. His lips were great, too.

"Tell me what happened, Rose."

The thought of the softness of his life dissolved into nothing my eyes lifted to look into his green ones. I realised how close he was.

The lack of panic I felt was alarming. I had known this man for a few weeks yet it seemed my body knew he wasn't a threat, even though he looked danger made skin.

"Nothing," I said firmly, my voice a little breathless. "Step back, Alexander."

He stepped away. "You have until five. Then, I'll find out my way."

He walked out.

What did he mean, his way?

. . .

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