singer by day assassin by night

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Silence filled the room as they process what they just heard and witnessed. Not one person had a dry eye as they sat and cried about all Naomi has been through.  Not one person blamed 

Bucky, they knew he was mind controlled. They were worried about his mental state and current emotions. To tony Bucky looked like he was trying to take a shit, cry, scream and murder someone at the same time.

Sam: hey Buckles, you doing okay?

Bucky: He asks if I'm okay? Do I look okay? You heard what I did to my own soulmate, someone I swore I would never hurt.


Bucky: no Steve, what I did was horrible, I got a 14 year old pregnant, I have a son and a soulmate who are probably hiding from hydra and me. I have always wanted to meet my soulmate, but I have royally fucked up

Nat: Bucky! Shut the fuck up for 5 mins and listen, you all are family to me. Bucky you are a brother to me you all are, you were mind controlled. We all know you would not intentionally hurt her.  Which is why we will all try our damnedest best to help mend and get you into a relationship with Naomi.

Bucky: you really think so?

Nat: yes, now if you all tell anyone what I said I will castrate you all like pigs.

peter. p: wow! i am very uncomfortable now

clint: i like my balls were they are thank you very much

bucky: i have a kid

tony: yes you do! your a daddy now know what tony fuck off

steve: language!

bucky: you too steve, fuck off!

steve: that was rude

bucky: whatever, tony?

tony: yes tin man

bucky: could we please watch them again.

steve: this is a breach of privacy, and how in the world did you get access to her cameras?

tony: Jarvis hacked them

bruce B: why am i not suprised?

bucky: anyways lets watch her please

they turned back to the screen reconnecting with the cameras. i they heard the sound of laughing and giggling as they recconected. they saw naomi, eddie and santiago sitting together watching tv.

Luka: babe where are you, get your ass here now

Naomi: not now luka we have guest


Santiago: DADDY!

Panicking Naomi watched her son run to luka giving him a hug. She saw luka look at her with pure rage in his eyes

Luka: come here Naomi, I won't ask again nicely. Come here bitch

Naomi: santi baby come to mommy

Santi: no, mommy I want daddy

Naomi: I promise to take you with me and Eddie to stark tower tomorrow, you will get to see ironman.

Santi: really mommy, will the winter solider be there?

The avengers watched as she froze. Her mouth opened and closed looking for something to say. She looked at Eddie looking for help on what to say.

Your worth fighting for: An Avengers, Dc soulmate storyWhere stories live. Discover now