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Superman: "How did we wind up 80 years into the future?"

Wolverine: "Musta been that big ass glowy purple thing."

Wonder Woman: "The important question is how do we get back? Bruce still needs our help."

Spider-Man: "You! Discount me! Since this is the future, did Bruce Wayne survive past 2019?"

Spider-Man 2099: "Bruce? Yeah of course. He was a good friend of mine. He went on to train someone else to be Batman. My best friend Terry."

(The Four exchanged surprised looks)

Wolverine: "Well damn."

Superman: "Can you help us return to the past?"

Spider-Man 2099: "Well...Alchemax has been up to some suspicious time travel related experiments lately. If we could sneak into the time research lab..."

Spider-Man: "Ugh! Do we seriously have to sneak into that place again? Took us like 5 hours and something tells me the future version won't be any easier."

Spider-Man 2099: "Fortunately I've got an advantage you didn't. I happen to work there."

Spider-Man: "Dude honestly what is with the stabby things on your arms? Way to rip off Batman ya imposter."

Superman: "Sorry about him. He's had a very tough day."

Spider-Man 2099: "It's fine. I just want you to know that your legacy was very inspiring to me. Don't ever give up, Parker. I mean that."

Spider-Man: "...omg are you my kid or something?"

Wolverine: "Ookay can we move this along, bubs?"

Spider-Man 2099: "Shockin right! Let's go!"

(Swings away but is tackled by a flying devil looking guy)

Spider-Man: "Maybe he's related to Shocker?"

Young Heroes Episode 9 Where stories live. Discover now