finding out {part 16}

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hey guys this is the same day I posted part 15 anyways sorry I been working on a next story an no it is not going to post until I finish this story

kat's pov

we were all sitting and I was happy well I mean my omega because I am snuggled up to izu I think he's my alpha but I am not sure as long as he doesn't have an omega I am fine now that I know ura an izu aren't dating that thought brang joy to me knowing that izu is all mine an no one can have him

I think I was being to happy because my mom notice and said "jeez you made kat happy are you sure you to aren't mates " "I mean you two do everything together " inko said giggling they all laughed an I smiled for real this time we were a big happy family again

"hey I been meaning to ask" afo said "hmm? what is it " "why does --------- I fell asleep

izu pov

kat fell asleep when my day was about to ask so I made him comfortable in my lap "anyways why does kat let yall touch him and not us" afo said which made everyone turn quiet "yh I mean earlier at the base we were have fun tell I touched him by accident and he started freaking out " himi said

everyone was silent for about 2 mins "u-um I'm going to put kat in bed" I said trying to avoid the topic

shin pov

after izuku went to put kat to bed probably never to return tell this is over "u-um did I say something wrong" afo said (sorry if I use afo for hishasi I honestly don't want to write that out atm) "oh umm no just a touchy subject" I said trying to lessen the tension " um ok sorry for not telling you I just didn't know how" inko said "it's okay inko we understand but plz tell us this has been bugging me for a long time" enji said appearing out of the shadows and sitting next to rei "u-um well" rei said "he went out by himself because everyone was busy he said he was only going to get some coffee he left 11 am and he didn't come back until 6 and when he did he was all bruised and covered in hickeys " shoto said "oh o-oh " they all said it was quiet for about 10 mins tell the silent was inturupted by kat and izu coming down the stairs

ahem hello my teddy bears thank u for reading have a good night

love you 🤧💚🥺

My royal alpha dekubaku (omgeaverse)😗💞 finishedWhere stories live. Discover now