connection {part 20}

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👆that's us they are girls dress like boys, not my real name but you can call me that

bruh not 😭😭 I don't want to write but I remember I can't ghost yall so yh it might be short

now move on to izuku I using this off memory ( and yes I am that lazy I take my credit UwU) sorry if I miss something

no one's pov

Izuku was still on the ground and everyone was panicking "omg omg he's really dead he has no pulse" kami said "shouldn't we call a hospital " shin said trying to calm down kami " no then we will have to tell them then the police will get involved then we will be discovered " afo said with a few concern in his voice "ok no need to panic theirs no need at all" inko said shaking the crap out of izuku " wait I have an idea" afo said causing inko to stop

"you do!!" she said crawling over to him (they are all on the floor) "yes but it will only check to see if his soul is still there," afo said " ok go then, " inko said pushing him by izuku everyone backed up a bit then a big red light shined and when passed afo looked shocked "h-he h-he " afo stuttered out "is he dead!!" sho said "is he gone forever," dabi said "b-but I just got him back" shiggy said

"umm no he's not dead or anything it's like he is not in his body" afo said "w-what!!?" enji said "hey guys I know this is not related to this topic but did izu always had that scar on his arm?" himi asked "now that I look at him not he doesn't have a scratch on his body" tenya said "maybe it's the result of the soul thing" marsou said " yh let's just see if anything happens" Mitsuki said

they all went silent and stared at izuku who was in short pants and a singlet not even a second later izuku body started to have multiple cuts "hey hey get the first aid what the hell happening "afo said tenya ran and got it when he came ack he saw izuku in a pile of blood they tried wrapping him up but blood still gush so they had to stitch him

"guys look at his eyes" dabi said they saw a little bit of green "does that mean h-" Denki got cut ok by seeing izuku eyes flash between green and red all of them backed away cautiously "what's happening" Mitsuki said izuku got up but his eyes where red suddenly enji told everyone to get down everyone got down then izuku shouted more like a roar it broke the wall

good thing they were in their hideout mansion otherwise people who have died not that they cared but the whole wall fell down and did I mention no one could even make a dent in the wall it was like high security well built

after that, he completely collapsed and everyone wondered what happened until a soft whisper that only a few heard before he collapsed


My royal alpha dekubaku (omgeaverse)😗💞 finishedWhere stories live. Discover now